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Jon Masnari

And we're doing the same matchup again for our next election. Send Help!!

Russian Paul

charlie giving a shit about how to wear a mask is ridiculous. no they dont go deep into covid, they didn't have the balls to address it beyond what the average CNN viewer would find funny. unfortunately the way the media presented it was a left vs right issue. to divide us into tribal groups so we don't ask questions out of fear. pfizer received the largest criminal fine in US history. pharma industry has a documented track record of knowing certain treatments are killing people but leave it on the market because either they have immunity from lawsuits or the profit is more than whatever fines they have to pay. left or right everyone used to criticize them, now it's forbidden. means your a right winger or trump supporter. total BS. and there is no government oversight of the industry. there's a revolving door from these companies to FDA and regulatory agencies. peer review means nothing when the peers are selected by those who profit. sunny didn't touch on any of it and it gets worse later on where they just repeat straight up propaganda. i get it, a lot of people fell for this left vs right nonsense. it sucks my favorite satire didn't have the balls to truly delve into the topic in a meaningful nuanced way.