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TL;DR We added a digital shop inside Patreon where people can buy select episodes, music, and books, whether or not they subscribe.

L;BWDIHTL?,IRIA (Long; But What Do I Have To Lose? I'll Read It Anyway): Patreon added a new feature that's basically their version of Bandcamp, where you can pay to download media and the artist doesn't get entirely fucked. Some of this stuff is already available on our Patreon, but the thing is, this shop can be used by lowly, non-subscribing peasants, who want some crumbs from our vast buffet of paywalled content but are too mentally weak to subscribe. Here's a rundown of what's there right now:

A Few Old D&D Campaigns: The original prom campaign and Edgelordz are available for $5 each. Anyone who's subscribed at the $10 tier or above can get these downloads from the shop for free.

Cool Detective and Dogcatcher Inutaro: A few of our multi-part scripted series, packaged with relevant scripts, art, and songs that go along with them.

Pretty Dim Wonder (season 1): This is my (Charles) scripted podcast I've been (slowly...) working on with Cameron from PAL, Raina Douris, Dan Boeckner, and Zola Jesus. You can stream it for free elsewhere, but this is the first time it's been available to download and includes a few songs from the show.

The E1 Albums: Both E1 albums we've put out so far, as MP3s. If you're an annoying nerd and want FLAC or WAV or whatever, you can get those on Bandcamp. But if you think you need to hear Gaming Is My Life in FLAC there is absolutely something wrong with you.

Branson's Book "Into the Hills, Young Master": Branson recently enacted an innovative pricing strategy for this book, jacking up the price on Amazon 6 years after it came out. We figured we would sell a PDF here if anyone wants to protest the price of the paperback. Amazon's Kindle version is actually cheaper than our PDF version for anyone who wants the best deal. Our store is aimed at, basically, morons who will not do their due diligence to check.

Two of Charles' Albums: A couple of my albums as Solipse, which are available on Bandcamp for the same price, but nobody can stop me from listing them here too.

Like 60% of this stuff is already available to subscribers (and remains so, of course). But maybe someone wants to get MAD at us anyway? Guess what? Non-subscribers deserve the honor of giving us money too. And Chapo already added this shit on their page, wouldn't you rather get mad at them?

We're gonna revamp our actual shirts and posters and shit soon too. But in the meantime let us know if there's anything else we should add to the digital store. Here's the link one more time.



If a dogcatcher inutaro shirt ever hits the shop I'm buying that shit day one


Patreon just explained that this stuff isn't available to buy on the Patreon app yet because of the Apple Store's mandatory 30% fee. They're gonna add it to the app next month though (and it's up to us to decide what to do about the fee, we'll probably just eat the cost ourselves)

Eon Gattignolo

sounds like if we liked you guys we should order from some other vendor, cause that shit sucks and apple does not need your money