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Branson here. We're going to be changing up how we do E1 episodes because we haven't been doing well enough getting the bonus content out here. I'm sorry we been slacking and I'm going to make sure we stop doing that shit. So first up-

EXCUSES - i just moved and quit my job and andrew is in school and charles didn't really do anything wrong

EPISODE STRUCTURE - The first E1 of every month is going to go up on the patreon exclusively. The following 3 or so will still be free. At minimum, one E2 is going up a month, but since I am now $$UNEMPLOYED$$ i will be trying to make that number way higher. But, at minimum, 2 episodes on patreon a month, plus other, more sporadic stuff. All patreon episodes will have the first 20 minutes or so put up for free.

DISCORD - nothing planned for now, but for things like the Q&A, and later on for the DnD episodes I'm going to let patrons contribute, we will use this instead of the patreon comment system, which is weird. click this - https://discord.gg/xTBVk23

if anyone else has any other suggestions for stuff you want to see us do with the patreon, let us know. i have a LOT of free time right now, and i'm sure alana will appreciate it if you give me something to do



You da man


E1 is the best. We need an E2 for How You Livin'!