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Samantha let out a deep sigh as she pushed her naked body up on the bed. Slime streamed out behind her as she straighten out her posture. Looking around the hotel room, the blonde shifted her feet as the slug's thick tail brushed across her calves. 

"Fuck this meatsuit's tight!" she loudly complained. Except, what came out of her mouth wasn't her usual melodic voice. But instead a deep, gravelly, unearthly growl. Enough to send chills up your body. 

"I'm lucky I was able to take this human meatbag when it was distracted." 'Samantha' continued. The alien running its stolen fingers through her hair. "But next time, I should find a host that can better fit my slug flesh." The alien finished its thought. Now trancing Samantha's boobs with her fingers. 

Tilting her head off towards the door, a sinister smile grew across Samantha's face. The alien using its stolen eyes to stare at the cracked open door. And the person behind it. "Well well well. It looks like I have an audience." The possessed blonde announced. Her voice this time returning back to its cheerful chirp. Moving her body to face the door. "I guess its time I shared my 'little' secret." It spoke as it walked Samantha's naked nubile figure towards the door. "Don't worry, I promise you're going to love it!"




Nice story, is this going to become a comic? 😃


Not this story specifically, but there is a Stranded comic in the works with Cuncyun. The initial plan was to release it in December. But since Doc had a few themed comics in the works, the decision was made to push it back to January. So stay tuned :)