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Well well. Looks like another month has come to an end.

And honestly, It's been a quiet month more or less.
Things are holding steady here on the Patreon. I hope, for the most part.
The website is still under construction. That's Doc's domain, so he'll have more to share on it next month.

Other than that, content creation is steady and churning behind the scenes.

FOSE - Hope yall are enjoying chapter 5 of the comic so far, because chapter 6 is already in production. We'll probably give it a break in between the end of 5 and the start of 6 for better pacing and all that.

Stranded - Yep yep. The long teased and mysterious Stranded comic will be making its debut very soon. Once FOSE chapter 5 finishes. So veeeeeeery soon. Along with that, chapter 2 of Stranded will go into planning this week to hopefully start production in August or September. So that'll be a long running series too! (I hope).

And that's it. Slow month I know. But it doesn't mean that things aren't happening behind the curtains. The big thing we're aiming towards is the website. And with it, bringing back the lost comics that were some fan favorites.

Until next month!


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