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This supraliminal hypnosis features 4 text-to-speech voices in first and third person and will encourage you to give up all bowel control.

I used a different voice for this one! Let me know if you love/hate it! I also have access to more realistic voices now - let me know if you'd like more realistic voices for supraliminal audios or if you like the one I've been using.


Becki Fonte

how much work is it to 'export' the file in two different sets of voices? maybe there is money to be made by creating another Patreon tier. Personally, the more human voices REALLY worked for me and I would pay for that. I think the key is that I'm naturally submissive so I like being told what to do so I am not 'recontextualizing into my own thoughts' but I totally understand why the robotic voices work for some....


Realistic is better.