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Firsts things first, I just wanted to thank you all so so much. New patrons or continuous, ya'lls support mean the absolute most. With your help, I was able to get a new tablet and a new mouse!!! Holy SHIT the ergonomic mouse especially has saved my life and I have gotten significantly less wrist pains. Along with help in paying for school which, my god just thank you guys especially for that help again it means so much. This was a great year and I'm so blessed to be supported by so many lovely people. I have many plans for next and hope you are there to see my journey to seeing them become reality!

Now for some changes.

-$1 patrons will receive the same benefits but now process gifs are locked to $5 patrons. $1 patrons will still see normal NSFW work including poll sketches, NSFW commissions and normal NSFW I do in my free time. NSFW Projects of a larger scale will first be locked to $5 patrons but will eventually become available to $1 patrons.

-$10+ patrons will still get rewards from their respective tiers but when they get them will change. Don't worry it is still bi-monthly but from now on patrons in these tiers will be split into groups. Group A will get rewards odd numbered months, Group B will get rewards on even numbered months! I will randomize the groups and will send mass messages to those in those groups so mark your calendars when your reward time will be!

That's about it in terms of changes, they will be officially enacted in the coming new year! I will send another reminder about these changes at the end of the year. Once again thank ya'll so so much and I hope you stay for some things I have planned. If not, well bless ya for even giving me some support even if it was for a short time.

Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!


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