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An internal survey on patreon made us realise that you'd like more exclusive content on patreon. We came up with an interesting idea whereby we could bring content within patreon to life by showing just you, the subscribers exclusive interesting content. What the idea is:

Every month we will hold a vote on patreon for an exclusive character from the Naruto fandom, and which character the winner will cosplay. All of this in the most explicit form possible, uncensored, in the best quality. And most importantly this content will be available only on patreon for subscribers, respectively all content will be added to the collection on patreon.

However, our resource is not infinite, we can not afford to add +1 scene, so we will take it from the general update. This means that there will not be 1 scene in the update, this time we will spend on exclusive content inside patreon.

This topic needs to be discussed, please actively engage and give your opinion in the comments, what do you think?



Steely Snark

Speaking of patreon content, having subscribed, I should have full library access but I don't. How do I activate the patreon content still missing?


I like the idea but I would prefer all art in the game