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Im curious with how many patreons view the monthly content file dump on here vs just see how having access to them on the discord? I just want to know if i should continue posting content on here monthly or just keep it exclusively on discord from now on? Also please leave any comments if you would like to discuss more about it. 



I'm really happy with the end of month art dump on Patreon since alot can get lost in Discord and it's all in one post on here. I would like it if the art dump was in a zip file, but I don't know if Patreon does that. I know images are allowed to be downloaded if you pick that option.


hmmm i'll keep that in mind with zip files maybe i can post them on discord in another archive for zip files only


Yeah I agree with keeping it more to discord, it’s easy for quickly viewing but it can definitely be lost. Honestly even another place to host them like drive, one drive or even mega would be a nice option too