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alright thank you all for this wonderful feed back so main things to focus on 

Oc content: that include holiday theme/ sequences/ comics and interaction with other characters. 

What If content: take scenes from other forms of media and enhances the scene with actual expansion/inflation/weight gain content that could of happened or improve it  and even mini sequences and comics too. 

Twitter content: this content will be based more off of other personal content  creators, their Oc's, cool content they post that i really like and other popular trends on twitter at that moment that i happen to dig. This content is the one i will most likely share day one rather than later depending on the content but i'll will try to provide color alts or any other alts i think would work good for that current work here on patreon as a bonus. 

Commissions content: comms are somewhat open, i don't want to make a wait list again so i'm just taking them upon request and if i happen to have room to take it on i'll let you know or ask you to hit me up in a few weeks.

Let me know if this helps give a better idea of what to expect with my content, i'm hoping this will help me make better progress. My one goal this year is to get into a  better rhythm of starting on something and completing it rather  than moving on the the next thing and i really want to go back and finish tons of those wips i posted too . 

Again , thanks a bunch. ^_^ 


Oddly Art

Always looking forward to whatcha do friend


Sounds solid! Perhaps make content or story snippets of your OCs. That can be fun!


Congratulations on the new system!