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i was trying to find the original post for this but it was taking forever to load lol so i figure i just make a new post, plus i dont know if patreon notifies you if on updates of old post. I just made in a little darker that way the colors pop a little more. and also a high res. one is 50% and the other is 100% let me know if you guys would like the hi res pics from now on cause sometimes i think are to big. But please let me know. Thanks. 




👀 This looks amazing!! The darkened colors for Edea certainly helps her pop out better!!!


I like the Hi Res pics. And even then, I am okay with them being shrunk a little as long as it's not really tiny. Like a 25% reduction in size is okay. But anything beyond that and the detail starts to get lost.


i normally dont like using the full res cause most sites have a limit so i try to keep them at a good size to post them on all sites but patreon doesn't seem to mind. so i'll probably start including hi res images only here from now on.