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here's all the rewards i got done for this month i still have a 1 or 2 i still need to finish but I took on this pretty big comm that been a blast to do and cant wait to share it once i get the okay to share it to the public and I plan to show all the WIPS with it on here too. Thanks for all the patients and your support. 




Edea looks amazing!! Thank you very much!!

Tom Smith

Miss Berri!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Miss Umbra

I’d be hyped as all hell if Ikumi looked like that at E3 this year


I love that you did another of Ikumi. She's so great and honestly her bubbly personality is kind of made for inflation. I hope you get to do more of her in the future. I mean seeing her as a blueberry is the ultimate dream