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Hello guys! Apparently the new update of EA broke many mods and also created a lot of glitches with cc, including custom skins. I've updated my game, and I noticed some glitches but my skins work fine in my game. 

How is it for you ? 

If my skins stop showing up the way they are supposed to, please let me know about it, directly here or in the community tab, or on tumblr. If they show up fine for you, let me know too. 

For those who have problems, I hope an update will come soon, but the problems aren't caused by my skins so there is nothing I can do for now. I will keep myself informed of the recent news and update this post if I get more info. In the meantime, if you can tell me how it goes with you, I would appreciate.

Thank you. 



No glitches really. I downloaded the new Island expansion pack and the skins (not just yours but from other creators as well) don't work with mermaid sims. Nothing major, though


They are fine on mine keep up good work!


all of mine are fine :)


Thank you for your suggestion about using the Mod Conflict Detector. I'm sure your skins are safe but it seems there's many other ones, mostly body mods.


everything's fine

Dorian Locrian

Everything of yours is still working perfectly! I got a lot of ‘call script failed’ issues, so I offloaded all mods and repaired the game and everything is fine now. I think a lot of *.ts4script mods are causing more issues than CAS mods like yours.


They work. It's like Eldred Moye said, custom skins don't work for mermaids.


All my CC Skins including yours working fine^^ Sad that the Tanlines dont work with costum Skins tho.


everything works as intended : )


can we get male skin overlays soon


It still perfect as usual


Some of my skins are messing up but most of them are fine. Hopefully EA fixes it lol


Mine show up but I can't say for sure if they will "tan" from sunbathing or getting a sunburn.


Skins show up. but setting skindetails in everyday outfit no longer carries over to all the other outfits, I have to ste skindetails for each outfit one by one.


Not your fault, just a bad patch

Toni Campbell

Yes this update has mess up your skins, I'm sad right now.


That's making me crazy but I think it's an EA bug.


The update hasn't messed up your skins it just makes it difficult to enjoy them because now we have to set it for EVERY SINGLE OUTFIT, which is exhausting to do. Makes things tedious. Either EA will fix with the next update or s4s will create a batch fix.