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I want to start creating clothes in a few months max. This is one of the first results. As you can see, I messed up with something because the left arm looks super weird. I also messed with something else because the top doesn't adapt to changmnents of weigt as it should (even if I followed all the instructions). I have made some others and they ended up fine (on this one, I used eve mesh top). Also, I didn't made any maps or lods yet (I still need to learn about that, and about other stuff too) or add any textures.. And, it is high poly and I know I cannot do that very often otherwise it will make people's games crash. But hey this is a nice beginning lol Hopefully I will start publishing some clothes in a month or two. 




Good luck in your new endeavor. We support you!!!

True AI

It looks good to me!

martin a lock

you have two working progress skintone to make and clothes but i enjoy the things you make keep up the good work


Wow you never ceases to amaze me! I love how realistic you make everything. And I was thinking the other day how your skins are the best of the best hands down, and how you would create the most realistic clothes and you are!! I'm so excited! thank you for your hard work and putting little detail into everything you do.


This is good news. I wish you every success in your diversity


looks great! cant wait to get clothes from such a talented skin maker! they'll look awesome <3