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I was planning on making these two as masks, and not full skins as usual. It will be adapted to the désiré mia's skin. The masks will have the usual versions with/without eyebrows and I'm probably going to add a few more swatches to the désiré's skin, make an update and publish these two right after. But I can also publish them as full skins. What do you prefer ?

(PS : The second mask isn't entierly done yet) 




Hi! You’re amazing btw ❤️ I’d prefer a skin but I’d probably love the masks just the same!


This already look amazing - and I agree with Lu Smith, A full skin is great - but if you give us a mask we’d love it just the same.

Theresa Kearns-Cooper

I would love the full skin. I know it's a lot of work to put it together, so the mask would be appreciated as well.


I would prefer a full skin.


I would love both


I would love the full skins, but the mask would be great as well. i loove the one on the right *heart eyes!*


i prefer full skins


i like having full skins


What ever is easy for you! I just love your work.


I would like both if possible. If not then the full skin please


Either would be great! You are amazing!


Thank you so much everyone for your opinions!! :) I decided to make the first one as a full skin (i worked on the body texture last night, i'm publishing it today ^^) and the second one as a mask (this one will be released probably this weekend).

Jennifer Romero

full skins, masks never seem to blend with other skins in my experience


I'll take what I can get haha I tend to agree with the masks not blending well with other skins though :)


Whatever you make, but yeah masks are trouble blending with skins. I LOVE them though!

Mika Neal

I would love it if you were to make different face masks to match current full skins that you already have


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