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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 18 "Subversion" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/crr8hohwpiv29zemhk28e/SUS118UE.mp4?rlkey=620bm53xns6mp7so7ce3w6oqj&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uPftUh1HTyrqUPleXLgsQqmuUeUtSrGC/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-TDCS0It4pi


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Stef Furness

Funny, I was noticing the sound design on the doors earlier in the episode, and was trying to figure out if it was a reused effect or tweaked from an earlier Stargate sound effect. It really is satisfying. Also, noticing this time around that Kiva is the actress that plays Sonya in the Underworld series...notice the vampiric cheekbones lol. "I know why *I'm* special." 😄

Stef Furness

The Destiny doors sound similar to the iris opening and closing...I think that's the closest. It's been so long since we heard the iris in the show bc Atlantis' iris wasn't mechanical, and even in the later seasons of SG-1, I don't think they used it too much bc they were focused more on space gates.


As a matter of fact it does say corporal on his uniform As much as I love the Daniel appearance, to me it would make more sense if it had been Mitchell doing the scouting - I would have liked a Ben Browder cameo. Heck, even Sheppard would have been a better fit, with his background with black ops and all that. BUT! Loved seeing some Goa'uld ships and architecture with the Lucian Alliance. Great to see Goa'ulds residual influence in the Milky Way acknowledged.

David Gipe

I agree the new FX does Goa'uld ships pretty. :) it's also nice to hear about SG's past just as apart of history rather than an intentionally long exposition to new viewers. Just enough to inform and not be a fully blown S0 Prof. Jackson lecture.