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What it dooski! Here's my EARLY UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 14 "Human" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3rsninf1vf83gowexnekm/SUS114UE.mp4?rlkey=nvtg7idaf7a6ex93eivn66wjc&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RjfGhUJG4lVmgXljsSGH_MQuzj7HxReC/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-LJfoC5Dgxa


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This one and Light are my favourite SGU episodes. I've re-watched them all at least 3 times but sometimes it's a plus having a bad memory 'cause I still don't remember which episode comes next exactly. lol

Timothy Nikiforovs

Maybe he's foolish, maybe he's blind, thinking he can sit through this and see what the chair hides. He's got no way to prove it, so maybe he is blind, but he's only human after all, so don't put your blame on Rush.

Jay Owin

When they say "butt heads" they cut to the scene of the headbutt near the alien ship where rush was left to get abducted but was kind of quick and not from the best angle. I would have made that more obvious.