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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Battlestar Galactica Season 2 Episode 1 "Scattered " REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g592tzfb9z16pf9asj13h/BSGS21UE.mp4?rlkey=sia3yfndqgqngn0kbwlrjhwlu&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11SKgchOZczUs1HpB3eDeqB-fRVi7-DBC/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-K9pJTzEiBA


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Timothy Nikiforovs

Scattered is such a seamless transition from S1-2. If you were just bingeing and didn't know where the season ended, you'd be hard pressed to know this was the switch to a new season. This episode really puts Tigh in the spotlight, and despite him saying he never wanted a command, he proved he was up to the task. He's stern with the crew as you'd expect, but he doesn't tear people down. I like when he told Gaeta he'd take his work over Baltar's any day, and then congratulated the CIC staff on a job well done. He's showing exactly the kind of leadership Galactica needs. The only wrinkle, is fracking Ellen still trying to dig her claws in and control how he does his job. That woman is irksome. Aside from that, I appreciate them using this episode to show some of Tigh and Adama's past. You kind of just assume Adama had spend most of his career assigned to Galactica, working his way up from viper pilot to commander. I think Adama saved Saul's life by getting him back on active duty. Not just because it meant he wasn't killed along with everyone else when the cylons attacked, but because he was spiraling further and further into depression and alcoholism. Even if he hasn't quite kicked that habit, his duties on Galactica give him something to focus on, something important. Sometimes that all you need. They didn't give us much of an update on Helo/Sharon/Starbuck, and it's hard to figure what Sharon's motives in stealing the raider were or what he next move is, but it's hard to blame her for wanting to put some distance between herself and Starbuck. Pretty tragic what happened on Kobol. Seeing Tarn get shot up after he's already down is hard to watch. Starkiller, I mean Darth Maul, I mean Crashdown, yeah that's the one, he's really not doing well under pressure. He's kind of that typical depiction you see of a fresh lieutenant who is high on their own rank and wants to turn anyone questioning the way they do things into a fight, even if those people have way more years of service than they do, like Tyrol does. If Crashdown had just listened to the chief and taken 30 seconds to check supplies, the whole situation could have been avoided.


My brain was just shook thinking about what it would be like if you were just a basic medic and being told: 'yeaaah I know that you're cv isn't up-to-scratch, but I'm gonna need you to crack the boss open, perform some life saving surgery you've never done before, and oh btw if you could do all that while the ship be rocking from all the cylon attack explosions that'd be great, k thnx byeeee'. I'm telling you, Random Medic Gal is the MVP of this ep for sure for sure.