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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate: Ark of Truth REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ss5opiyqs6r0cnbic8phv/SGAOT-MR.mp4?rlkey=5rsmm4a95uqqobmdlhjsgtzdy&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wbWhNjmmDnJWPC6UGwaKAP37N7rGLwMv/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-rm2Wu2EUzA


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Christian Thomassen

Tomin realizing the Truth when the Prior dies over the "Ark of Truth". I love cinematography when you have really good writers and Directors.. & Actors! :D

brad hawkes

agreed must check out SGU, even if it reminds me of the SG-1 200 episode spoof where they have all been replaced with edgier, younger cast members hahah,

brad hawkes

Yo, wonderbread, you figured out that address yet? *flip phone* I’m like.. translating as fast as I can! I’m so sick of being treated as an object to be worshiped, I’m a real person with real feelings! I don’t think mitchel respects me anymore. I’m pregnant! And Yo, that hot chick was so totally a Goa’uld, yeah, but I’m still gonna tap dat 😂😂😂

John C

Weaponizing the replicators is such a Military solution. Very realistic idea. Also, Failwhale on the verge of spitting his drink was priceless

brad hawkes

I mean tbh, not a terrible plan. As long as that shutdown code worked.