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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: X-Files Season 4 Episode 17 "Tempus Fugit" and Episode 18 "Max" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/354c6b1an36s4wrxphy6o/XFS417-18UE.mp4?rlkey=2z3v4t7iqhb51vm59mm8vdz1h&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CeaEOJKgq1KTJmwFfsqAfO-oba8Z09Xg/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-5zGJ6RBomr


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Timothy Nikiforovs

Very solid episode, and quite the callback bringing Max back after almost 4 seasons. First thought at the start though with the guy's disassembled gun was "tell me this was filmed before 9/11 without telling me it was filmed before 9/11". This is possibly the most direct, unambiguous contact with aliens that Mulder has ever had. Sure there's the alien bounty hunter, the hybrid clones, various UFO sightings, and probably the bodies in the buried freight car would be the closest after this. But so often it's somewhat open to interpretation. Was it an alien ship, or a secret military aircraft? Are the clones or bounty hunter really aliens, or a genetic experiment. Alien radioactive tech, the body at the bottom of the lake, and right in the middle of an abduction. That's a trifecta right there. All that and he walks away with no actual proof. Imagine after his initial shock, and if nobody knew he was out on that lake, he grabbed the alien body, swam it back to shore, met up with Scully, took video and tissue samples, got the lone gunmen to hide copies/samples of the evidence, went to the nearest major news network, told them he had a massive story to break, and got a camera crew to follow him to the most crowded place he can find, then pops the trunk and reveals this alien body in front of hundreds of witnesses on national news. Just blow the existence of alien life wide open so it's near impossible to cover up. I imagine these are the kind of scenarios that go through Mulder's head after getting this close and walking away with nothing.

Demijan Omeragic

Very cool post but I can't really agree that this was Mulder's most significant alien encounter moment. He saw the Bounty Hunter, as you mentioned, shape-shift right in front of his eyes at the end of "End Game" in season two, bleeding green toxic blood. Sure the toxic blood could be the result of genetic experiments, but not what looks like a man changing physical shape. At least that's how I see it. In earlier episodes he's also seen UFOs (think "Paper Clip"). Sure, they could've technically been military crafts, but to play devil's advocate, what's to say the bodies he found in that lake weren't just fake alien bodies? He simply saw something that looked alien. They could've been hybrids too. Of course we know, from other people's perspective in the episode, that it's the real deal, but for him personally I don't see him seeing that body in the water as very significant. Someone shape-shifting, bleeding green toxic blood and wanting to return to his craft ("End Game") is IMO a far more out there. Plus he's also seen an alien-shaped figure faintly in "Little Green Men", a clear vision of an alien figure in "Nisei" / "731", and plenty of alien-looking (emphasis on alien "looking") dead bodies in "Anasazi". Let's also not forget purity control, what kind of material they found in "The Erlenmeyer Flask" and later in "Red Museum". Either way, it's an extremely well made episode, but contrary to FailWhale for some odd reason it has never been a favorite of mine. Matter of taste.

Demijan Omeragic

I used to be a long time member (username "BROOKLINE" on Discord), but since I'm only here for The X-Files, and the show unfortunately only gets uploaded at the rate of about one episode per month, I chose to unsubscribe months ago and then only subscribe after several episodes get uploaded, so I watch those episodes and then unsubscribe again. Either way, I would like to make some observations without the intent to offend FailWhale or his followers: FailWhale declares himself as an extremely anti-spoiler guy where one cannot even mention a future episode title without getting criticized by some of his fans. However, at the same time, he insists that people let him know which upcoming episodes are two or three-parters. This revelation in itself is a spoiler in two different ways, because (a) it spoils the fact that the next episode is only part one and its story will not be resolved, and (b) it spoils that the next episodes are most likely about the mythology / conspiracy / aliens, et cetera. It's like literally a huge spoiler knowing what's coming up is part one of two or three. And to me it just makes little sense. Because which is worse: knowing an episode title, especially many which are very ambiguous (like "Piper Maru"), or knowing that the next episodes will most likely be about the overarching plot? I think the latter is much, much more spoilery, but to each their own. I say this in part because yes, first it doesn't make much sense to me, but secondly, because I think it ruins the reaction experience, at least for me as a fan. Think of some of the dramatic cliffhangers we've had so far, and as fans during the show's original airing, we had to wait a week, or with season finales much much longer. So while I personally do not at all mind (quite to the contrary) that FailWhale releases two or three-parters at once or in one piece, I do think it would make for a much better reaction experience if he would at least comment at the end of each part before continuing to the next one. A great example would be "Piper Maru" / "Apocrypha" from season three. Amazing cliffhanger right there. I would have loved to hear from FailWhale how he liked part one of that episode, and more importantly, his thoughts / speculations / expectations about what could or might happen in the second part. Where will the story go? How could it develop? What might happen? Of course he comments about "both" episodes at the very end, but it's not the same thing as analyzing the first part and discussing possible developments for the second part. Sure, it would take two or three minutes more time for him to discuss part one of two, so fusing it all together and commenting about two episodes in two minutes saves a bit of time... but to me personally, it lowers the "reaction quality" significantly. Yeah, just my two cents. Be as it may, best wishes to FailWhale for the future, Happy Holidays and a great year 2013. All offensive comments from anyone will be ignored. I will unsubscribe in a few days and then come back again in a couple of months. Going at this pace we'll be watching The X-Files for many, many years to come... and we're only into season four. Stay safe everyone... and greetings from Germany. :)

Timothy Nikiforovs

Well there are some shows ending and he is getting another editor, plus he just had a big "new year, new goals" announcement. Might be getting X Files back to 1 a week.