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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 3 Episode 18 "Submersion" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1vcmxbze4n20kn9ztw6gc/SAS318UE.mp4?rlkey=sb3zibxvk3hkt5vfjxggn82a4&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ANbjjOslrZHmylFUmK_dYNNDTBFmC_tJ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-WqYWw6LWIB


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Brent Justice

They just happen to have an IV bag handy? heh The creep factor in this episode was dialed up a bit, and I love that horror/creep vibe. BTW, we did see the Queen Wraith use control powers in the premiere episodes, the Queen's are the OP wraith, with all the buffs. I'm glad they made them seem menacing again. Overall a neat episode, it was shot interestingly and uniquely. The drilling base is interesting, able to tap into geothermal energy, I wonder if we'll see it again.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Definitely a unique atmosphere for this episode. I suppose aside from Rodney's sunken jumper escapade, that last fully underwater themed episode was probably Descent back in SG1 S6. They pretty much always get the same woman to play wraith queens, but they definitely went for a different, almost amphibious look here. No spoiler for the show, but in one of the books her name is revealed to be Coldamber, and she was responsible for destroying the Athosian city we saw in Rising. That scene at the start in the jumper has to be one of the most socially awkward moments for McKay in the entire show. Also when the one guy basically just casually blurts out that Graydon was essentially hired(and ultimately died because of) a minor name mix up, the second hand embarrassment is real. Question is can that wraith cruiser actually be salvaged? Could be useful to have a ship that could maybe infiltrate wraith space or assist in missions, or just give them some more firepower if the wraith find the city. At the very least they can study it. One thing I think was missing from the episode though was any mention at all of Carson. He may not have had quite the importance plot wise that Daniel did, but still a very well liked character, and it feels like this episode just kind of brushes over his death. Even with Heroes and Meridian spending a good chunk of their time leading up to the character deaths, Revelations still had quite a few mentions of Daniel and the team's mood throughout reflected that they'd just lost a friend and were all dealing with it in their own ways.