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What it dooski! Here's my EARLY UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate Atlantis Season 3 Episode 10 "The Return" and Episode 11 "The Return Part 2" REACTION!

EPISODE 10: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8jo3kfv5nrbsfj/SGA%20S3E10%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

EPISODE 10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DkhcFWDIXAKc6HJOhyC6nk3fongxhm_C/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 11: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dkbmgqoifpklm8n/SGA%20S3E11%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

EPISODE 11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P8dnqWz8ClZml7GZzeZXqIyBA38cTcNq/view?usp=sharing

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I have disgraced my family, Anyways double bubble, great episodes!

Brent Justice

Before I watch your reaction, I'll just go ahead and say that I love the science behind the show, for example, the real-world problem of traveling at near the speed of light, and thus their relative time is different from the rest of space around them, so basically they can live for thousands of years, in real-time, in the span of their lifetime, at near C (the speed the light) It's a common problem for space flight, and one we will encounter once we start going faster and faster in space, without some kind of (at this moment anyway) SCIFI fix. I love that this series explored that.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Agree! One of the reasons I really, really appreciated Interstellar. A lot of scifi shows/movies sort of bypass that by creating things like hyperdrive, warp bubbles, wormholes that take you exactly from point a-b, or "jumps" so they don't have to deal with that at all - which obviously makes sense from a story perspective if you're jumping around a lot, but it was nice to get a story that actually included that in Interstellar. Not to mention the chance to get to see what a real blackhole might actually look like!

Martin Nicholls

Warp drive is pure unadulterated science. The fiction comes in having the ability to actually bend spacetime - the verdict on NASA's experiment is the interferometer experiment they did isn't up to the task of proving if it can be done: but spacetime does bend. It's much easier when space is the thing that's moving because space CAN move faster than the speed of light - it's way more plausible than "oh hey let's invent this thing called subspace and fly in that", that's such a worn scifi trope. It isn't a bypass, arguing that it's logical to fly anywhere even vaguely close to the speed of light is a bypass.

Brent Justice

The only thing I don't like about these two episodes is how weak they make the Ancients look. The Ancients are almost a side-note here, with the primary storyline being the replicators and our team saving everyone. But finding actual Ancients alive, and around a hundred of them at that, is a really huge deal, I mean it's the whole point we came out here to this galaxy. Yet, the Ancients just all get slaughtered so easily, offscreen to boot. I would have liked to have seen them put up some kind of a fight, or at least had it so a few escaped, but nope, they killed all of them, and we didn't get to see it. It's kind of a shame to be honest. It really degrades the importance of the Ancients and their power and technology. I wish they had done a little more with them. So that's my major gripe with the two parter.


they would have really looked very badass as the replicators stopped in their tracks when seeing them but classic Mckay fuck up. another cool part is this continues the subplot that they were very arrogant(not having shields up as ship approached just in case)


i cant stand battlestar galactic style jumps! it always takes me out of the show. my favorite is star trek, the ship warps the space front of the ship and behind the ship and zips along.

Brent Justice

Which reminds me, what happened to the Ancient's ship? Where did it go? I assume they just abandoned it in the middle of empty space between the galaxies? They should go loot that thing! Fix the engines, do whatever, get it back there! What an asset that would be

Retro Tom

The Lantean women Helia, She looks familiar to you because she's previous played the Young Linea (Destroyer of Worlds) in season 3 of SG-1 & also Mulder's adult sister in The X-Files


This was a really good 2-part episode, but my all-time favorite part of SGA is only 9 episodes away, and I can't wait !!

James Yancy

Well, after McKay lost their powered ZPM, he's now managed to swipe THREE new fully powered ZPMs for the team. Nice going Rodney!

Lady Beyond The Wall

Eh, it really takes A LOT to take me out of any sci-fi show, really. I let a lot of things just slide when it comes to sci-fi. I appreciate the creativity, and I appreciate coming up with different ways to be able to move through space - even in instances where it's unrealistic. I'm not one to nitpick, or complain; just appreciate when I get to see something I haven't seen before portrayed on screen, or don't see as often as others. Especially if the story is there. I love BSG so much it really doesn't bother me at all. In my mind I try to view them as different universes where something is just slightly different than ours, lol. I sort of do the same thing with book to tv/movie adaptations (at least.. most of them. Some are just too egregious, but that's only really very recent tv shows the last year or two where it's not done out of necessity but for other reasons..) so I don't get bothered if something is changed or different from the book to screen adaptation.

James Yancy

Yep. That's the only way that the Replicators could power the stardrive. The Replicators brought the ZPMs with them.

Brent Justice

I mean that's quite a buff our team would get, if true, but somehow I doubt that they would be that lucky.

James Yancy

If the Ancients from the Tria brought a ZPM back with them, the Asurans would have had to bring the other two. Unless the Ancients knew where to find additional ZPMs before getting attacked.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Pretty top tier 2 parter. As Brent said, it sucks to finally meet real breathing Ancients only for them to die unceremoniously off screen, but the fact they gave us the boot definitely softened the blow. Not to mention the unveiling of the gate bridge, a ton of SG1 cameos, some fantastic action and writing, and presumably some ZPMs if the replicators were getting ready to use the stardrive. Lots going on in this episode. The whole idea of the team disobeying orders to go on an unsanctioned mission actually feels like a throw back to WAAAYYY back to the SG1 S1 finale. McKay also mentioned winning an award at the Sears Drama Festival. That's actually a real thing in Ontario, which narrows down where Rodney grew up. Low blow for Sheppard to say he wished he'd made a career of it though. Where would he be without McKay? One thing that confuses me about the gate bridge though is how are they able to send a signal? Radio signals seem to pass instantly through the wormhole, and don't get stored like matter to pass on to the next gate. Only thing I can come up with is each gate is also equipped with it's own frame to keep the gate and DHD from drifting apart, and that they each have a subspace relay to send signals along the bridge. There's also a rather uncomfortable implication of this episode(and the prior ones where the team got brain probed). The replicators, especially from O'Neill and Woolsey, will now know the gate address of Earth(not that it'll do much good with their iris) and other Milky Way gates, and since they have their own ZPMs, they can reach our galaxy any time they wish. Scary thought given the Dakara weapon was destroyed.

Brent Justice

That's a good question about the DHD, cause also remember the gates are powered by the DHD, so they need power, the DHD has to be near the gate to power it, so the space ones out there in space must have DHDs next to them to power it.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I suppose there's plenty of room in the 3 thrusters to house a power source, especially since the thrusters themselves won't use power most of the time unless the gate gets knocked around. Then again the idea was to use them for PJ, which have their own DHD, as do darts. So if they used space gates, did they have to install a power source?

brad hawkes

always thought maybe they charged on low yield solar radiation or something

Martin Nicholls

Those ancients _were_ pretty weak, IMHO both the series of Stargate have demonstrated that they were both weak AND inept: and it was downhill from there after they ascended because they added amoral to the puzzle. Scientifically advanced, inept, amoral incompetents is how I read them from everything we know. And that's fine, it's kinda the whole point about not seeing them as deities - the Ori kinda have a point; they're also massive liars and pure evil, but they have a point.

Timothy Nikiforovs

The Nox were the hippies of the alliance, and the Furlings seem to have just said peace out a while ago while leaving nothing much to point to their contributions. The Ancients screwed one thing after another up, being to some extent responsible for pretty much all of the major enemies in the franchise(created replicators, allowed their tech to fall into Goa'uld hands, left the Ori unchallenged, inadvertently created the Wraith). Let's face it, the Asgard are like that one guy in a MP lobby that carries the whole fuckin team.


When you're that far into the galactic void, there isn't much of anything nearby, never mind stars.

brad hawkes

Maybe background cosmic radiation, The stargate has been powered by just about anything and everything. I think they used a truck engine one time lmao. Plus naquadah is a fissile material, maybe it generates some sort of charge somehow, those dhd power sources always seemed a plot hole to me anyway, millions of years of use without a new battery, something must be recharging them.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Excited for the next SG-1/SGA eps! 🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋🐋

Brent Justice

I'm excited for all his reactions, I wait each week for all of them, I subbed for Buffy, and stayed for everything else. So I look forward to Buffy/Angel/Farscape/X-Files/SG-1/SGA equally. Every time there is a week where one is missing, I'm disappointed.


This is pretty much my favourite 2-parter in the franchise. Looking forward to relaxing with this tomorrow morning! 🤗

Stef Furness

I try to exercise more each week - I exercise patience and understanding for others' health and holidays. I look forward to enjoying my days no matter what curveballs life throws at me. Every week I get upset over circumstances outside of my control, I'm disappointed in myself. When no one's dying, I'm grateful.


That's a quite overly dramatic response to be honest. Obviously there are worse things and it's good for people to have time off for their health. I struggle with anxiety and can often get overwhelmed. However, that doesn't mean there can't be an update as to what is going on and I know FW has said he has stuggled with this in the past. A lot of people are really struggling with money at the moment, me for one. Paying into a Patreon is a big luxury at the moment. I've supported FW and others for a while now and I feel like I need to stay on this journey till the end, but when you go a week without even a thought of providing an update as to why content, that you are paying for is not provided, it feels like a bit of a kick in the teeth. Perhaps you have money to spare, not everyone does.

Stef Furness

It's not dramatic, it's rational. When I don't have money to spare in a month, I take a break from paying for content that isn't delivering to my entertainment standards - easy peasy. I also pay attention to established communication styles and what is happening outside my little life bubble - Canada had its Thanksgiving last week, and Fail doesn't always tell us when family things are happening, expected or unexpected. I don't understand why y'all insist on trying to reinvent the wheel every time he goes incommunicado.

Lady Beyond The Wall

Sorry guys - I just wanted to say I was excited and post a bunch of whales. :( Didn't mean to start a thing!

Stef Furness

Same, Lady! I'm excited too! He's watched at least one... just waiting on the edits! <3

Lady Beyond The Wall

Thanks for letting me know! 💕 I need to buck up and just get back on Discord one of these days. 😂