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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Episode 12 "Potential" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bwzbgp3rtzjf9w16iifjl/BFYS712UE.mp4?rlkey=uvd4fyr0sdudapw4h1cbcxm1j&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18lwcHSi9tpFOy-AAHnwbUhJtYqCJTDPP/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-723WXGs44b


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Brent Justice

Haven't watched the reaction yet, but I'll just say I like how Dawn gives it to the real potential at the end and gives up the power, to her, and then the speech Xander has with her about his role in the gang and how they help in another capacity, the non-fighting kind. While it would make sense if Dawn had been a potential (cause she was made from Buffy and all and the blood thing) I can also see Dawn as the research type and helping that way, not fighting. I am glad to have a little bit of a Dawn centric episode though. Also, I mentioned this late in my reply to the last video, but we still don't know what makes a potential a potential, like what makes them unique or different or able to be a slayer if activated, it's never answered, only that by some magic can they be "detected" but what really makes them a potential? I dunno. And I still wish they'd mention to the girls that it would take Faith dying to activate them, not Buffy, but OK, guess we are overlooking that IMPORTANT fact. Ok, now I'll go watch your reaction.

Brent Justice

Just watched the reaction, thank you, it's hard to believe we are only 10 away from the end! It's been an enjoyable ride. Buffy just outright lied in this episode, her death will in fact not make any of the potentials the next slayer, this is just a fact that the show has already established. It is Faith, whose death, would cause the next slayer to activate. It really gets to me how much they keep saying Buffy's death will cause the activation, they are just flat out WRONG. UGH. Yeah, really it's the Xander speech at the end that makes this episode, but I'm glad Dawn found her role. But what did ghost Joyce mean? hrm... Now, as to what you should watch, I definitely vote for Firefly next, it's very short, whereas Supernatural is like 15 seasons, so will take you a long time, so IMO Firefly should come first since it's short, then you can hit Supernatural, which will take YEARS to finish.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Yeah, it's like she doesn't want to mention that there's another slayer out there doing time for murder, and it's actually HER the slayer line runs through now. Could get some.....mixed reactions. Still must give big speech though.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Not gonna lie, I completely forgot about Xander's speech at the end(and most of this episode TBH). I've basically said the same thing he did a few times now, and I forgot the writers were on the same page. Pretty sweet scene basically letting her know "it's OK to be a regular human being". Buffy has always been pretty overblown on the speeches, but at this point in the show they kind of turned it up to 11. In regards to locking the potentials in with a vampire, well given the time constraints it makes sense that they don't have time to ease them into a mindset of being confident they can kill a vampire. The First won't wait forever. Still, they shouldn't get too cocky, they had a 4 to 1 advantage. Also I'm sure Buffy and Spike would have jumped in if they REALLY got into trouble. I just wish we'd seen the fight. I'm also pretty disappointed in Willow and Anya(well, I guess it's par for the course with her). I mean they've both been living in that house, and they should damn well know how well voices carry by that point. If they were going to discuss Dawn in the 3rd person, they should know how low to keep their voices so she can't hear every word. Especially if they're going to write her off so easily. Credit to Xander for actually having some faith in her. He said she was just coming to terms with it, and sure enough 15 minutes later she's ready to run off and fight a vampire(even if it didn't turn out well). And yeah, it showed a lot of maturity to so freely accept it was Amanda and not her. Even if she was the potential though, everyone needed to chill. I mean nothing really changed. If she was a potential then, then she always had been, which means the bringers would have been after her anyway(even just to go after Buffy's family and friends). Also as Brent pointed out, they know full well at this point that the slayer line runs through Faith now, meaning Buffy wouldn't have to die for her to become the slayer. And even then, it could be ANY of the potentials(and how many are there the world over? Hundreds?). Basically, same shit, different day.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Also 10 eps of Buffy, 11 eps(well 11 hours) of Farscape, and 13 of SG1. Some major staples of the channel ending. Might I suggest dialing back TV reactions by an ep or 2 a week and use that time for movie reactions. At least that would be one thing that was fresh and unique each week. Watching shows is great, but it can feel like you're stuck in a rut, especially when the lineup doesn't change for a long time. A weekly movie would allow for more variety to spice things up each week.

James Yancy

Speaking of movies, I wonder if Faily has seen either the original Top Gun or Top Gun: Maverick? Maverick is definitely the best film of the year, and perhaps in the several last years.


What people are discussing above regarding Faith/Buffy and the slayer line is a fan theory, not a fact. Every Buffy board ever is/was full of heated discussions about it. Especially as a reactor, I'd say make your own mind up and/or check out a couple of those threads when the show is over.


I haven’t! Actually plan on reacting to both since the sequel just came out on video :)

Timothy Nikiforovs

Easily in the last several years. Ever since the mid-late 2000s, Tom Cruise has been proving he's among the most dedicated people out there to the art of filmmaking. Even his less prominent outings like Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow(both good choices if you haven't seen them Fail) were quite entertaining in my book. EoT was just really fun, and Oblivion was incredibly atmospheric(and that music👍)

Timothy Nikiforovs

No it's a fact, because otherwise when Buffy died in S5 another slayer would have been called. Kendra showed up 9 eps into S2, but to my knowledge she was called almost immediately after Buffy died the first time. Buffy died a second time, and no new slayer. Pretty simple math on that.

Brent Justice

Got to Echo Timothy, the show has established that Buffy's death will not cause the activation of another slayer already, she died in Season 1, and Kendra was activated. When Kendra died, Faith was activated. When Buffy died again in Season 5, no slayer was activated. The line now squarely rests on Faith's shoulders, if Faith dies, then and only then will one of the potentials activate. It's not conjectured at this point, it's show canon. While Buffy still has all the slayer benefits, she's technically outside the line of succession.


My whole point was that it's a premature discussion at this time in S7. No matter what side of this you're on, NO it is NOT a fact.


In my opinion, and what I go with, is that it was a goof by the writers, which is not unusual by them. It would be very strange for them to put Buffys line in when they 'knew' that it would be Faith. That leads me to believe that it was a goof by them and they just forgot that another Slayer should have been enacted post season 5, and because they forgot it wasnt wrotten into the show to clarify that Faith carries the line or that Buffy was reinstated when she was brought back. I think over the years it is fantheory that's solidified into a truth that the fandom has made canon, but that doesn't make it canon for everyone.

Brent Justice

How is it premature Zoo? These things have already happened in the show and we can talk about them now. Plus, what Buffy is saying doesn't match with what we have seen in past episodes. I mean, if you can't look back at past episodes and take them as facts I don't know what else I can do /shrug That is a nice theory CJ, and I've heard that one, but it has never been stated or said in the show, therefore it's just a theory. As it stands, the facts remain that Faith carries the line. I am willing to accept that it was truly a goof.


Because S7 isn't over and that's all I wanna say as not to spoil things, which was what my OP was all about in the first place. Also, opinions are not facts, BJ. I haven't stated my own on this for this very reason.

Brent Justice

Buffy died at the end of Season 1 passing the line to Kendra, who was then activated. When Kendra died, the line was then passed on to Faith. When Buffy died at the end of Season 5 no slayer was activated. These are the facts, and they cannot be disputed. I implore you to look at the evidence. And no one is speaking about things that haven't happened yet. This is all established in previous episodes.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Ok, technically it's not a fact, as there's isn't an official statement in the show or by the writers. But that would mean there's a 3rd slayer out there that the watchers didn't know about and we never heard of for the past year and a half. So yes, it's technically conjecture either way, but 1 theory is FAAAARRR more plausible with the information at hand.


"the rng would be a little too hectic for her to also be one" 😂

Vicky N

Xander’s speech is what makes this episode. Very touching moment.