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What it dooski! Here’s my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 20 “INAUGURATION” REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3d6kfw5fzdilw5fse6uza/SGS720UE.mp4?rlkey=q27bnp7m5z4icnyb7lhqa9t9s&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tRWHlFhszZ_suJ14muI7_iK8WyleqcEk/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-8oVBVydUE3


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No one does a clip show like stargate. The trick is to make the not clip parts badass. It's not rocket surgery.


Next week the best two parter of the entire series let’s GOOOO.


After next week you can finally start stargate atlantis

Paul Carroll

this was a okay episode I did like hearing from the viewpoints of the top brass at white house got too say about the stargate program it gave a little break from always seeing sgc stuff so it was a little nice too see what the boss's say when the new commander and chief gets in ! lol wow and with that evidence on the presidents desk at an of episode whoa can't wait too see if the vice president kinsey still in the white house after that ?

Talon Karrde

Woolsey one of my favorite characters in all of stargate. I can't say more cause spoilers but he is great.

Stef Furness

What a flex to start a clip episode with a reference to the previous season's clip episode !

James Yancy

This episode is definitely a slow easy pitch to set up the season finale to knock a homerun out of the park.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Brad Wright "yeah we're doing it again, hell we'll even point out we did it just last year. And you know what, all the money we save is going into the finale, so shut up and watch"

Yan Brassard

It was funny when you said : "It looks like they did that eposide to save money for the finale" when we know what's coming up. haha You might be right...

Timothy Nikiforovs

I will say, the Hathor clip show episode to me is probably not quite as good as this one, mostly because I do really like the new president and it's great to see Woolsey's turnaround. Also, it is rather good setup for the finale as you'll see. Strangely though for some reason I thought Hammond had a way bigger role in this episode. Probably since I just tend to mix it up with Disclosure. Also that white house set is the same one used in the movie X Men 2.

Noah ( J Holᐰ)

Honestly, I love this episode. Maybe it's just retrospectively on the series, but I like the prospective it gives and the guest performances are great imo. I think the episode is almost designed that way in the flashbacks it gives. Also the arch for Woolsey is a great follow up to his role in the last double bubble. A clear example of when the writers/directors just like an actor and want him back 😂


For me, personally, this is actually probably my favourite of all the clip episodes. And I'll just mention that all clip episodes serve a purpose and its not just to save money, something to keep in mind for the next two episodes where it may make more sense. There were also some great performances, we got William Devane, Picardo, and Ronny Cox. All being a force to reckon with. These clip shows can often feel like a waste of time because you wanna see SG1 and you want to get back in the action but, like I mentioned, they serve a purpose. 🤔🤫😊

Daniel Thunberg

Love William Devane as President Henry Hayes, I also like that we learn more about Richard Woolsy (Robert Picardo) true honest personality.


In general, I really like the episodes of any show where a new character is brought in on the 'big secret'. I like this episode, but I didn't really see it as just another clip episode or a money saving episode. I thought it gave more depth to the politics at play outside of the SGC.


Fun fact: The set for the oval office was made for X-men 2 and was reused by a number of tv shows (including SG1 here)


That's really cool! X2 has one of the best movie openings to this date.


What's the game plan with regarding Stargate Atlantis?

brad hawkes

One of my favorite things about this episode, Stargate in general and perhaps even 90's/00's shows is that for the entire show, not once is it mentioned if the President is a republican or democrat, sure you could probably guess but it keeps the show completely A-political and appealable to a mass audience for decades, whereas most shows made in the last 5 years were just giant Trump metaphors or somthing equally pretentious with writers trying to get twitter points, which forever dates it to about 4 years only, like STD, it shows respect to the Office of President, regardless of your side and i sincerely appreciate it. I really like Hayes, a genuine, reasonable and funny president and didnt just axe everyone on day one because he could. Richard Woolsey <3 I really like the actor who plays the General, Strong actor/face


James McDaniel is an absolute power house! I've loved him in everything I've seen him in ever since Hill Street Blues but he'll always first and foremost be Lt. Arthur Fancy from NYPD Blue to me. What I wouldn't give for reactions to that...


I asked about that in the ep 17/18 reaction comments, so check there for the original replies by those in the know. The gist was every other SG-1/Atlantis as the general rule.

Brent Justice

I think one reason for the recap this late in the season, is the fact that for this season, the series was picked up on a different network, so people new to the show may need a catch-up, who are now watching it on this network.


gotta do a double for the next two y0

Avlin Ærbødig

i feel like this portrays Rickydick Woolsey's carracter quite well.. compared to alot of other carracters, he has such a duality of being both an ass and a decent person at once, which makes me feel like he has a sort of depth not easily found elsewhere.


Sure, it's a clip show, but it starts off one of the best arcs in SG1. From this episode to the first two of the next season and into the spinoff pilot is Stargate at it's best.

Paul Carroll

I hope failwhaile is okay I hav'nt seen any posts or message on patreon for 5 days or is he on vacation with family miss the content that use too come out on sunday and monday weds like merlin and farscape ?

Brent Justice

He usually seems to post everything in one big release at the end of the week now it seems, he's been off his "schedule" for a long time now. And he has never been very good at posting updates to his paying customers sadly.

Paul Carroll

okay thanks for replying I did'nt know I saw latest schedule and it was different days then uploading thanks hope everyone and failwhale has a great thanksgiving and christmas and newyears ! with family!

Paul Carroll

here's hoping for new stargate series i got home from work today and my mom said that brad wright creater of sg1 is in talks with amazon owner of mgm about a new stargate series if thats true rock on alot of happy stargate fans around the world will be happy !


Guys I strongly recommend you join the Failwhale Discord for more direct updates on the shows you're interested in, Fail is much more active in posting info about the whens and whats on there. Lost City parts 1&2 coming out as a double bubble later today (friday).


It's great that people enjoy Discord but not everyone does and important updates getting posted on Patreon first and foremost is not too much to ask. In fact, I'd say it makes a lot more sense than the other way around.


"Stargate Command is our first and best line of defense against potential alien threats to this planet" "Nah it's actually the iris" haha


late as always


if Woolsey would have just understand what their job is about. He just don't know what it takes to run a sgc.

Limi V

I think this episode is good, for a clip show. There's no action, but we get an important glimpse into the politics that determine the future of the SGC. I think all the actors did a good job here, especially the president's reaction to learning about the stargate and Kinsey making my blood pressure rise just by his posture and expression. It's funny how Woolsey thinks that he's being thorough and presenting the truth as is, when in reality he's glossing over all the important details that explain why things happened as they did and often justify or exonerate people of blame.