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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 16 "Death Knell" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/332vcemzw2maf88d22elz/SGS716UE.mp4?rlkey=1la3uem95eqdmfhe0elmuhj2n&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TUHsRVh3h1NRdc5y36HBt-MITax9u2cJ/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-7liglEacGL


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Geonn Cannon

Your question about how the cast feels about each other... rest easy, friend. They friggin' LOVE each other. Not past tense. Amanda just recently did an interview where she was talking about "Rick, Michael, Teal'c... I mean CHRIS. (huge giggle)" Amanda, Michael, and Christopher actually bonded at the auditions before they even knew they'd be on the show together, and Amanda has said that filming the Chulak battle in the pilot felt like "being kids on the playground." So from day one until literally today, in 2021, the cast of Stargate is one big family, and it's a joy to see.

Geonn Cannon

One other thing of interest! At the end, in the infirmary, you can see that Sam is wearing a bracelet on her right wrist. That is a very important item that she received when she met with soldiers fighting in the Middle East after 9/11: >>"One outfit of U.S. soldiers I met presented me with this," she explains, pointing with tremendous pride to a woven fabric bracelet on her right arm, fastened in place by what appears to be a khaki-colored button. "Every member of this particular outfit wears one of them. They are called 'Combat Bracelets,' and the troops make them from the cords which fasten the bottoms of their pant legs to keep them inside their boots, and then fasten each one with a button at the beginning of every mission. Each member of the outfit provides a button from his/her own uniform for the bracelet of another buddy." Members of the outfit make the bracelets at the outset of each mission and wear them until the mission has been completed and every member has safely returned. "It is a very moving tradition," she says, "and I was extremely honored to be included among their ranks." When SG-1 production brought her back to the set, her first stop was the wardrobe department, where she explained to Costume Designer Christina McQuarrie that "Samantha Carter was going to be accessorizing in the foreseeable future. "Christina was great about it," Tapping recalls. "I explained the circumstances surrounding the real-life tradition and she agreed that wearing the bracelet is exactly the kind of thing that Carter would do. I've been wearing it - both on camera and off - ever since."<< She said that even if the show hadn't allowed it to be part of Sam's character, she would have worn it anyway and just found ways to hide it from the camera.

Brent Justice

Uh OH, alliance broken, now more than ever Earth needs more ships! We are truly on our own.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Well, past tense in Michael and Christopher's case. They had a falling out about a decade ago on a joint production venture and AFAIK won't do conventions together anymore. Unfortunate

Amy Appleyard

You need to get the dads! The behind the scenes stuff is the best!!

Timothy Nikiforovs

Death Knell is really one of the better eps of S7 in my book. This is the first time the state of affairs with Earth's allies(well except the Asgard, they've been quiet of late) has really been addressed since Allegiance. It really feels like Earth is finding itself alone right when it needs allies most. I can understand the tok'ra concerns completely, and I've been saying for a while that they should be taking a less active role. They can't replace their people when they die like humans and jaffa. A tok'ra life isn't more valuable, aside from the obvious that it's 2 people, but they are a dying race, and should stick to information gathering. Still, if Earth's concern is that captured tok'ra could compromise their bases, then it's an equally valid concern that if Earth is told about every tok'ra operation, it could put their people in danger if members of the SGC are captured. I can also see where the jaffa are coming from with wanting to earn their freedom without relying so much on Earth. M'zel seems like a reasonable leader, and he makes a good point that the jaffa need to learn to stand on their own after millennia of being enslaved. The timing really sucks though. Oh, and if Mark Gibbon's(M'zel) booming voice seemed familiar, it's because he played the Thor hologram way back in Thor's Hammer/Thor's Chariot. At least they have a way to kill the kull warriors now. Still, it's a bit of a Pyrrhic victory given what's been lost. Also I feel bad for Jacob in this one. That line where he says "we don't talk anymore, Sam" hits hard. It's like they're drifting apart even though things seemed good. Add to that you got this asshat Delek reminding us just how insufferable the tok'ra can be, and apparently Jacob/Selmak are finding themselves on the outside looking in. I miss Malek from S6, definitely one of the better tok'ra. Great episode, and as you pointed out, a great showcase of Hammond's leadership. I'm going to suggest doing next week's eps back to back.

Lady Beyond The Wall

I miss Malek too. This guy's got such a punchable face. Which, is probably the point. I replied to Faily's comment on the last ep to watch next week's episodes together if possible. Dunno if he see's or reads all of the comments to all of his posts, possibly not because of possible spoilers (which kinda sucks because everyone's mostly been good about spoilers lately, but oh well), but he seems to get the ones in direct reply to his comments from what I've noticed. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Brent Justice

Guess we are a bit behind on videos again this week, no buffy or angel, yet we are due now angel from last week, and buffy and angel for this week, or whatever, but we are still waiting on last weeks videos.

Limi V

This is a good episode, but a lot of the issues are much too sudden. The Tok’ra have barely been seen lately, let alone heard voicing their concerns. Jacob not drinking coffee and not talking to Sam enough also seem like new things. He’s been with Salmek for 5 years at this point. Did he just stop drinking coffee, or did he not mention it for all that time? Also his relationship with Sam wasn’t too good before Joining the Tok’ra. It seemed to me things between them have actually improved since he let an alien move into his head. Was there a reason Daniel went back to the SGC with the wounded and never came back to the alpha site to help with the search for Sam? He wasn’t really doing much this episode and there didn’t seem to be a good reason.