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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 14 "Fallout" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l92cx7pute62c7luye29y/SGS714UE.mp4?rlkey=wxqnpz8g6wnvdxdrs9qw1mv78&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WdxCvYyaRdh8a3NgdIyAn4cROcigkSlh/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-81ZZ1t2wgO


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Geonn Cannon

From the commentary: the scene in the hall where Jack throws his hands up and grabs Daniel's shoulders ("I think I can help you out with this," around the 30 minute mark), Martin Wood kept telling RDA to go bigger with it. RDA finally did this version and, as he walked off-camera, he passed Martin, smirked, and muttered, "Neeever gonna use it." So of course that was the take Martin went with. ;)


We use a hand print scanner to open the Iris because the Reetou don't have hands.

Brent Justice

This is a ho-hum episode, that haircut on Jonas always gets me. This episode always reminds me of the movie "The Core" which was done a lot better there. Otherwise, was ok, not a big show stopper, but does explain why Naquahdria isn't anywhere else in the galaxy.

Stef Furness

Faily : I'm sorry, I'm just not used to seeing Jonas with this hair. That's because the naquadria veins are just a ruse to return to Earth - he really just ran out of hair gel.


Has anyone else noticed the goa'uld really seem to have the hots for Jonas?

Brent Justice

I just thought though, isn't Ba'al going to come looking for her? He sent her there to learn about that stuff, granted she didn't report back in on her findings, but won't he send someone else to find out what happened? They make it seem like they are all safe now, but I dunno, doesn't seem like it to me, seems like Ba'al might follow up?

Timothy Nikiforovs

guess they could always give her one of those voice modulators from Proving Ground and have her report back to throw him off. Or he just assumed she'd been caught and had other things to worry about.


"Ah for crying out loud!" That was my message alert for a few years.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I think I like this episode more than most. Obviously for Jonas being back, and seeing how the Langarans are getting along(or failing to. At least they're not shooting at each other), but also for an unconventional take on the goa'uld with Kianna Cyr's goa'uld. Also an aside, as Vanya pointed out, what is it with Jonas attracting the snakeheads? What I find interesting with Kianna is you can almost see the beginnings of the tok'ra. Sure, she still had ambitions for power, and did take an unwilling host, but she didn't come across as particularly cruel otherwise, and did sacrifice her life to save her host(granted if the host died, it's not like the SGC would provide another. Still, the gesture counts). One wonders if not having access to a sarcophagus while undercover softened her attitude. Aside from that, she did seem genuinely attracted to Jonas, as opposed to Nirrti who just wanted a willing lab rat. She was willing to see Jonas as more than an inferior being to be enslaved. She certainly hadn't achieved Egeria levels of enlightenment, but as I said, it gives us clues as to how the original tok'ra started down that path, as well as the few goa'uld to join them since. Also it seems like there might be a way to produce naquadria now. Clearly there's an abundance on Langara now that a whole vein of naquadah has been converted, but moreover they know how to trigger the process. Find a nice empty planet, bring the refined naquadah you want converted, and detonate a small amount of naquadria some distance away. Shouldn't need to be anywhere near as powerful as the bomb test if the naquadah isn't several kilometers underground. Still, the stuff seems too unstable beyond weapons tech. Power generation is very iffy as we saw with the 303. At some point they might wanna ask the asgard for some of those neutrino-ion generators. Lastly I loved how cheesed Jack was getting with the Langarans Jack - Oh' for crying out loud. Daniel - Jack.. Jack - Who cares whose fault it is? Daniel - Jack.. Jack - Your planet is gonna blow up! Daniel - Jack! Jack - The whole DAMN planet Daniel!!! The delivery on that last line always gets me.


hope you continue on to Atlantis and universe keep being awesome mate

Fanny H.

It was good to see Jonas again. I like this episode. Not a fan of the romance between Jonas and Kiara. But I do like the implecation, that their are Goauld's apart from Egeria's children, who can be good. Or open minded about a "peacefull" world and their inhabitants.

Benno Witter

As far as Goa'ulds go, she is the nicest one we have met so far.

Limi V

I mostly like this episode. Could’ve been more exciting and well thought out, but overall not bad. Seems we finally know where the naquadriah came from and how to make more if we want. It may never work as a power source for the 303, but allowing 302s [and possibly other things, like rockets] to cross the shield around an enemy ship could be very helpful. Jonas has been putting the knowledge he gained while working for the SGC into use for the benefit of Kelowna. You’d think the SGC would impose some restrictions on sharing their technology. The whole Tok’ra crystals part was strangely lacking. Why would the Tok’ra just hand out those crystals? Were they given naquadria? Access to Thanos’ notes? And how did Kiana think they could get in touch with the Tok’ra without earth as a mediator? The Tok’ra are a very literal underground movement, most people have no idea where they are, least of all a nation like Kelowna that seems to only know a single valid stargate address - earth’s. The reason given for letting Goa’uld-Kiana join the drilling mission was that it was too difficult for Sam to continuously compensate for the change in the density of the rock they were excavating through. Surely that’s a classic task for a computer. Couldn’t the SGC have let the Langarans borrow a computer for the mission rather than risk trusting a Goa’uld? The writers were obviously looking for a reason to get her on the mission, but they clearly didn’t put that much effort into their excuse for it. I find the idea of a Goa’uld being attracted to a human strange. They may “wear” humans for their ability to walk on land and their opposable thumbs, but they’re still aliens of a species very different from our own.