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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 11 "Evolution" and Episode 12 "Evolution: Part 2" REACTION!

EPISODE 11: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/a7qoe5jndaud4ttmxhs1u/SGS711UE.mp4?rlkey=fgw52l06gp942xdutbtqxt3lw&dl=0

EPISODE 11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L0KQox5Pv5QC9W5n-rgxQDWkvASPodEk/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 12: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xy4cw4hmcx6tocxft4e41/SGS712UE.mp4?rlkey=hf1z2hzxkzl0b2vnjb449xaoe&dl=0

EPISODE 12: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L0KQox5Pv5QC9W5n-rgxQDWkvASPodEk/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-uFRdY9HB9M


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That's a lore drop


Failwhale has Apophis ptsd, he thinks every hidden charter is apophis. Also take a shot everytime he says "I'm not even gonna lie"

Timothy Nikiforovs

It's official folks, the jaffa are obsolete!!

brad hawkes

I love the change to Dr Lee's character, One to watch, Great comic foil for Dr Jackson in this ep where last episode was a total ahole aha And that bald sub-Goauld was Thoth, ancient Egyptian OG god of wisdom/knowledge and apart of the wedjat symbol mythology along with Horus, Always cool to see Anubis's influence over the original goaulds' popup

Stef Furness

100s - nay THOUSands !

Timothy Nikiforovs

I didn't think Lee was so bad in Paradise Lost. Carter was getting a tad unhinged. Still, he's growing as a character.

Timothy Nikiforovs

The introduction of the "kull warriors" is to me the defining moment that kicks off the best parts of the Anubis era. I mean he was this vague background threat in S5, made some waves during the S5-6 transition, went quiet for a season, resurfaced for the season 6-7 transition, and again went quiet till now. He's really leveraging that ancient knowledge now to make something new and utterly terrifying. I used to think that with the queen gone, they'd just have to wait a month or so and the kull warriors would die off, but presumably he could keep swapping the goa'uld out to new host bodies, so perhaps not. Also I don't get why Jacob ditched the suit. That thing would be invaluable to the SGC. Even if they can't recreate it, it would be at least 1 sg team member who was practically invulnerable to energy weapons. Imagine they do manage to recreate it though and coat a 302 in the stuff? I don't know what I was expecting from this reaction, but it wasn't this connection to "sunglasses guy". Also Honduran Joe Rogan had me laughing. HJR "you ever hear about that fountain of youth shit?" Guest "what, like the myth?" HJR "Yeah, except it's not a myth." Guest "you gonna tell me you found it? Get out of here" HJR "Well I didn't. It was this guy Daniel Jackson. We got to know each other really well over the summer, I hooked him up to a car battery and everything. Turns out the fountain part wasn't important, it's all about this weird, black, glowing Rubik's cube thing that was underneath the fountain." Guest "Now you're screwing with me" HJR "I'm totally serious. I looked this guy up, turns out he got laughed out of the archaeological community for saying aliens built the pyramids or some shit. Total crackpot right? Except if he's such a loser why is the government paying him to go grab artifacts from the jungle? See I think aliens made this thing." Guest "uh huh?" HJR "believe it or dont, but I'm telling you, I pop this thing under my sensory deprivation tank for 2-3 hours a day, and I feel better than when I was 20. My hairline is even coming back." Gotta say though, Shanks really sold being terrified when the guy said he'd skin him alive. It''s like he barely even registered that Jack was there. What's up with O'Neill and his old battle buddies though? It seems like almost every time we meet someone from Jack's earlier career, there's some major beef between them. In this case Burke seems like he got a raw deal for doing a good thing. At least they buried the hatchet in the end. It also just hit me on this viewing that all of SG1 aside from Jack were messed up at the end. Sam's arm is busted up, Danny is shot in the leg, and Teal'c took a shot in the back of the ribs. The team needs some R&R. Also one of the guys at the bar had a Blue Jays shirt


its been a kind of headcanon that early black ops days O'Neill was more like his movie counter part. All serious, No jokes and no BS. That's why every other solider from his past we meet are all so serious when talking to him.


dont think theres even 1000 in that one scene granted there could be more elsewhere.

Geonn Cannon

The guy who played the supersoldiers was at the Gatecon I attended about a year after this episode aired. His name is Dan Payne, and he's a regular stunt performer for the show. I don't think he was asked - because it would be a big ask - but he wore the supersoldier armor for the photo op day because he assumed people would be more interested in getting pictures with it than just with him. Poor guy was *dying* in that suit because it was so hot, and the photo op room was sweltering as well. But he stayed as long as it took. Good guy, Dan Payne. He's also tall as HELL. I remember him looming over me in the hall. In that armor. Not intimidating at all. ;)

Brent Justice

Yep, Anubis now really seems like a big threat, the biggest they've had yet.


Bre'tac looking over many dead bodies: "This meeting did not go well." Understatement of possibly the entire series... And my GF and I use that line to this day regarding anything from standoffs that go bad in movies, tv show, real life news and bad meetings in real life :D

Lady Beyond The Wall

Hope he's alright. He didn't mention anything about not uploading for a week, but I could have missed it or maybe was only posted in Discord?