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What it dooski! Here’s my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 5 “Revisions” and Episode 6 “Lifeboat” REACTION!

EPISODE 5: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/puqhps6hvjyfqvhxez27g/SGS75UE.mp4?rlkey=bp6fvriwekaue4hj058wih7x6&dl=0

EPISODE 5: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OWp0B2r35p_Fw4GHHCyp453iQrMR4k8H/view?usp=sharing

EPISODE 6: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dk7k8bo8uuvbfh89ukdai/SGS76UE.mp4?rlkey=1lv5knllq63mpdhzd6yvrkri6&dl=0

EPISODE 6: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BZax9PBs5u9kc6zPhxSi2DCVVT5FRItN/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-97m99uGNDF


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Michael Shanks back hurting after 7x6


Hey Failwhale, i've literally been sitting here refreshing my email waiting for this reaction. lol


Got it up as fast as I could! Hope you enjoy the reaction fam 😄🙏🏽❤️


Oh yeah, I'm finally caught up.. With stargate at least, now for buffy then angel, x-files AND farscape... Love the reactions mate, keep 'em coming (at your own pace of course). Cheers!

Timothy Nikiforovs

It's a standout of early s7 for sure. Also has one of my favourite Fraiser scenes in the whole show.


I'm so excited to watch these. Lifeboat (706) is one of my all-time favorites. They've done dying civilizations before, but this twist was so compelling. Michael Shanks and Teryl Rothery killed it!

Lady Beyond The Wall

Love both of these episodes! Was quite excited for this week. Shanks and Teryl Rothery were so damn good in 7x6. And 7x5 just freaks me out and kiiiinda makes me worry about the future if we start doing mind link stuff. It's almost Black Mirror-y. It would be awesome to access the internet instantly. I'd love to be able to play video games in my brain for instance, but definitely wouldn't trust the uh, lets say "Tech Elite", to not do some bullshit like this and just change people's memories or take over their bodies. Propaganda and brainwashing would just be insane. We'd have to evolve a lot as people first and somehow make sure no psychopaths could mess with it, so that probably won't happen in my lifetime, lol. I'm very excited for both of next week's episodes too. Don't know how anyone else feels about it but 7x8 is a particular favorite of mine, so I'm excited to see the reaction! There's only like one or two episodes the rest of the season I'm sort of "meh" on - not even that I don't like them - just that the rest of the season is SO good. I think this season has probably some of the best episodes all in a row.

Geonn Cannon

"What happened to Siler?" Haha, welcome to Sergeant Siler's Year From Hell. Poor boy has a whole catastrophe happening to him in the background of various episodes. Also Teryl said they did many versions of the "I don't GIVE A DAMN" line, and she was so happy when she found out they went with the angriest one. So so good.

Timothy Nikiforovs

I rather like both 7x8 and 7x10. 7 and 9 are so so. But pretty much from 7x11 onward it's all top tier stuff.

Timothy Nikiforovs

let's avoid referring to direct names or events he hasn't got to yet. I mean he probably knows the name of the spinoff, but we should err on the side of caution.

James jackson

Keep an eye out for Palin in the future his actor, Christopher Heyerdahl plays several different bit characters throughout the franchise

Tomáš Polák

Wow, I did not know that. After watching Community, I should pay more attention to backgrounds :))

Geonn Cannon

Not to mention Amanda must have really liked working with him, because he played TWO major characters in her first post-Stargate series.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Revisions isn't one of my favourites. Not that it's bad, just a bit on the dull side. Still, it's a very competently made episode and it really harkens back to the stand alone episodes of seasons 3-5. Actually you could say S2 since I got some Gamekeeper vibes from it. Only difference is the production quality of S7 is really showing. While it's easy to see why the stargate wouldn't be an option when they didn't know what it was, you'd figure the computer would calculate it to be the best option to save everyone once they knew it was a transportation device. This actually sheds light on something Elon Musk(nice callout, btw) said about AI. You have to be very careful what parameters you set for it. He said that if you developed an AI to see to all of humans needs and programmed it to ensure maximum happiness, it might interpret that as meaning it should round up humans, strap them down, and pump them full of dopamine, which would obviously be bad. His suggestion was that it be programmed to ensure humans have maximum freedom of choice/action. In this case, the computer was programmed to maintain the community, not the individuals, hence why 100,000 were sacrificed to maintain an ever shrinking town. What I don't get is how the atmosphere could have become THAT toxic. I mean industry altering the atmosphere takes time, and presumable it became lethal long before it got to it's current state, which would kill the people in the factories and stop the pollution, no? I guess there could have been a super volcano eruption spewing sulfur or something into the air, or maybe massive chemical tanks ruptured afterward. Could be acid rains causing some sort of chain reaction. Hard to say. This episode did bring Christopher Heyerdahl(Pallin) to the franchise however. He's a fairly talented actor who you'll see in other roles going forward. Not the most riveting episode to me, but still fairly interesting concept.


Some killer episodes in this series, and these two are very near the top of the bunch for me.


Some episodes are just Michael shanks acting seminars

Amy Chlebus

The reason why RDA wasn't in this episode much was because his father had passed away when everybody was shooting this , so he took a week off. The following week he came back and everybody came back and helped him shoot his bit..

Brent Justice

It still could have been nuclear, and they just didn't know it, perhaps even just as simple as nuclear power plant metldowns or something.

Brent Justice

TY for the reaction, Lifeboat is one that truly shows Shanks acting ability, it's a total flex. I love the concept, and how they gave everyone a good background story that you really felt, instead of just one dimensional, which is what usually happens, here, you actually cared about the people. As for Revisions, it's a good episode for the idea and concept and warning for our future, but otherwise, it felt very self-contained, and small, no pun intended, heh.

Gabe A

Shanks did win an award for episode 6. He showed his chops

William Sevier

Revisions is a good episode. Lifeboat is a great episode. Shanks flexing his acting muscles always makes for a good episode. Teal'c saying he won't leave Daniel. Jack also sitting vigil. And Frasier absolutely killing it when she throws her weight around. Amazing episode.


I cannot wait for this man to finish this season and start stargate atlantis considering season1 takes place the same time as sg1 season 8

Timothy Nikiforovs

we're trying to keep mention of names/places/events Faily hasn't seen from being mentioned. He'll be informed closer to the appropriate time.

Timothy Nikiforovs

OK, finally got some time off to review Lifeboat. I really do love this episode. Always one of the more memorable eps in the series and particularly S7. I might have been just a fairly interesting premise, but the performances by Shanks and Rothery really elevated it to being a top tier episode. This episode was actually devised during S6 specifically for Daniel, but was shelved since he had left the show. Clearly they wasted little time implementing it once he returned. Shanks really is the most versatile member of the cast, and few episodes show that better than Lifeboat. I think for a lot of people the scene where Fraiser stands up to Martice is the stand out scene of the episode. In a lot of scifi the doctor characters are there to solve medical problems, offer predictable ethical stances, and maybe be some sort of emotional support. Every now and then one goes beyond those roles and shows real passion as Fraiser did here and get involved in a more active way in general events(Dr Bashir from DS9 was like this too). These are her people and she won't stand by while someone steals one of their bodies. Don't mess with mama bear Fraiser. I feel bad for Pharrin though. He's got like 25 people in his head. The guy is going to be insane in no time. You'd figure they could spread those out a little, just double up with some of the other sleepers. At least then it would be akin to a tok'ra blending, and they'd be able to benefit from their knowledge and experience without them being trapped in an insane jumble of personalities. I always get a laugh out of Jack daring Teal'c to say "Daniel Jackson's preliminary electroencephalogram proved anomalous" a second time, and how Teal'c was actually going to say it before Hammond cut in. He always gets this "perhaps another time" look when he gets cut off, as opposed to Worf who always looked ready to kill someone in those situations.


Two absolutely stellar episodes, and both about dying civilizations. Lifeboat was even better than I remembered. It could be seen as a Daniel-centric episode, but I like that it's written more as a team effort where everybody does their part, including Fraiser who really showed why she's so important to the show. And hats off to the actor who played the father as well for a fantastic performance. He had me tearing up at the end.

Karl Miller

The Message in the videos of both dropbox and google drive both are saying the media is offline? Dunno whats happened Fail.


Her karl! It’s only the first 12 seconds of the video for 7x6 because of an editing error :)

Limi V

Surprised so many people like 'Lifeboat'. I agree seeing Michael Shanks perform as so many people was fun, but the premise is a basic sci-fi story without any surprises and I felt like the episode dragged a bit. 'Revisions' is much better in my opinion. The seemingly idyllic town felt creepy and the first time I watched the episode I didn't immediately know what was wrong. That kid [Nevin?] definitely added to the creepiness, which I don't think was intentional. Both episodes apparently ended with the SGC getting its hands on some interesting technology, so that's definitely a win. Both also ended with a relocation of an entire planet's population. I suppose the SGC has to do long term habitability studies of many of the uninhabited planets they visit so they always have a list of suitable relocation planets on hand.