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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 7 Episode 4 "Orpheus"REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9thrd5hbhsp2t8vqvkhbr/SGS74UE.mp4?rlkey=xmhs8yvdzc2hhvginuc3okr03&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ybup0m_iwrUg0sxzF6pNZjkeEMmwYinB/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://we.tl/t-s8MK70UEK8


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Talon Karrde

I like how the ascension and Daniel's rejection completely recontextualizes daniel and his motivations. Before he was in the program for his wife... and then there was vague doing good and all that... but after litterally being kicked out of being a godly being for being unable to do nothing and not interfere. It really solidifies him for me.


Daniel's ascended memories coming back, to Jack in Black-Ops sniper mode, Teal'c being super bad-ass. Top 3 Teal'c episode. Best exchange between Bratac and teal'c


Another great episode. They've done a good job showing a more vulnerable side of Teal'c lately, and I'm loving that we get to see Rya'c grow and mature as well.

Lady Beyond The Wall

As for how I pronounce the word Jaffa. I say it with emphasis on the end of the word, like Ja-FAH, not how O'Neill says it like JA-fa. Either way doesn't bother me though, so say it how you want. It's definitely nice to see some of Daniel's ascended memories coming through and I did like how there was a focus on Teal'c and the Tretonin. Their symbiotes definitely gave them a huge advantage, but well, it's either be a slave to a race who make you use them as an immune system or take a hit on your ability to heal and maybe a little strength for freedom. The freedom's more important and Teal'c gets that, even if he mightn't have taken the Tretonin for a while longer if he hadn't lost his symbiote.

Timothy Nikiforovs

OK, you can watch the S7 intro now. I was just trying to hide Shanks' name being back in until after the S7 pilot was done. It's all safe from spoilers now. You're right in that, aside from getting some new recruits, the jaffa(I pronounce it ju-fah myself) rebellion isn't a major part of this episode. This is about Teal'c addressing the fact that much of what he has believed to be true of himself as a jaffa for his whole life has been turned on it's head since switching to tretonin. He needed to face that reality and figure out how to accept the new status quo and move on. I also feel that with Daniel having been so seamlessly incorporated back into the team, some lingering questions were left and kind of swept under the rug. This is almost as much of a Daniel episode as a Teal'c one. It feels good to see him acknowledge that he is exactly where he belongs, and that he feels needed there. It also feels like Shanks admitting that he belongs on the show after being away a year. I find O'Neill particularly insightful in this episode. Daniel is of course eager to do or say anything to try and encourage Teal'c and bolster his confidence, but Jack immediately understands that for a man like Teal'c, it's never that simple, and he needs to figure these doubts out on his own. Sometimes it's the only way. Always great to see Bra'tac pop up. As Osiris once said of Yu, "that stubborn old man simply refuses to die". Killing him off would be a mistake. He always knows how to bring wisdom into a conversation; his goading Teal'c into finding his self respect here, their discussion on self doubt and fatherhood in Redemption, his talk with Carter about having a purpose to live in Threshold, his rallying speech in Allegiance, and many more. Bra'tac as a character demands high quality writing, which elevates the show as a whole. One of my favourite characters in the franchise. This also represents Rya'c's first really difficult test as a warrior. He's young and fit and can handle a weapon, but this isn't a joy ride in a glider. Having to endure months of grueling labour and torture all while covering for an ever weakening Bra'tac is a much greater test of his resolve than facing down a few jaffa in a firefight. Despite his doubts, I think he's grown from the experience. I'm glad they didn't just forget about the character after his early appearances. And of course always good to see Rak'nor. He's really cemented his place as a leader in the jaffa rebellion at this point and a solid ally to the SGC. I think I've mentioned it before, but Obi Ndefo lost both his legs a couple years ago in an accident. Doing something so simple as grocery shopping at that. Despite the tragedy of the incident, the man's response to the situation has been nothing short of inspiring. Huge respect for anyone who can maintain positivity in such a situation. Video about it if anyone is interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnmFR3lhTlU&t=40s&ab_channel=LosAngelesTimes

Timothy Nikiforovs

Also love Bra'tac's advice that a warrior's strength comes from his heart and his mind. Teal'c respects O'Neill as a soldier and leader despite being his physical superior, so he should know fitness isn't all that matters.


I can only agree, this is Sam's greatest hairstyle. Really loving it!

Geonn Cannon

I might be what the kids call a "fandom old," but did anyone watch live when the show was on Showtime, and they would have a bumper with the cast saying "It's 10 sharp. Stargate SG-1 is coming up next"? Man I loved those bumpers. And Amanda was absolutely adorable in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNMj73yxwHE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ere9YKy2PWA

Timothy Nikiforovs

Nice. Didn't watch on showtime, but on the space channel in Canada. I remember they always used to have a teaser for the next episode right before the end credits. They were kind of corny, but they got me amped up for the next ep. Especially the ones for the S7 finale. Haven't seen those in years. The S1 DVD still has them, but none of the other seasons do.

Brent Justice

This episode felt weird to me too with the long pauses, scenes were being held much longer, Jack's reluctance to not do anything for a long time made it feel drug out. However, that said, I got the feeling that we as the audience really got to feel how military strategy and tactics work in the real-world, a lot of planning, and precise actions, so maybe it was more real-world in that sense? Going for more realism? Showing the difference between how the Goa'uld do things, and how real military action to win a war is done?


Brah, I'm telling you, next show on the list should be Sliders.


nah, next show on the list should be the next stargate show


Hi my first time subscribing here not sure where else to ask, is it normal for shows to be posted late or at irregular/random days of each week? Tried finding if there is any mention of delays or breaks anywhere but cant seem to find any sort of communication between FailWhale and his patreons here whatsoever, everyone who asks a question seems to just get ignored

William Sevier

There's occasionally a day delay. Life gets in the way. Also if there's a double bubble with two episodes at once it might also happen. The schedule is more guideline than rule. Chances are the next one will be up later today.

Jennifer Hickman

It's funny, I was going back through and watching some of my favorite FailWhale reactions. In season 2's 'Serpent's Song', FW, mentions that Earth isn't ready. I didn't realize how true that is until I looked at it through new eyes. I love the fresh perspective on the show. Now that we're on season 7, we'll let's just say I'm excited for what's to come.


Jaff-A tends to be used in the plural, whereas Jaff-Ah is used more often in the singular but sometimes in plural. It also depends on the speaker in most cases. Most tend to use Jaff-Ah.