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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 22 "Restless" REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tlzetlvxgw77y5vz8ydyy/BFYS422UE.mp4?rlkey=sdrygbm3zdb2zgs753jufzxhw&dl=0

LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IBLsT67bkX8mmGuL3vBa4Y0irPK7zzp4/view?usp=sharing

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woop woop! S5 time after Angle 21/22! :)

Brent Justice

Would you like a cheese slice?

Brent Justice

Can't wait to watch, I'll leave my comments after I watch this later tonight.

Gaming University

I'm sorry every time I see that guy in this episode I just hear Marshall from How I Met Your Mother saying, "Gouda?"


A fantastic episode that only gets more and more brilliant the more time that goes by.

Svetlana Grabar

There's a non-spoiler video that breaks down each scene in this episode. It's really good, if you're interested in watching/reacting to it :D


Just to explain, the writing on Tara's back is ancient greek. It is a magical square made for protection. However the translation is also lowkey a bit of a hint for what is going on in this episode as well.


Its amazing how i missed the clues in the dreams. 1st when faith was in the coma and "talk" to buffy in her bedroom, and 2nd on this episode, in the same bedroom when buffy talks to "tara". Can't wait to see your reaction to S501 ^^


Be back before dawn.

Vicky N

This is a phenomenal episode that can only be appreciated fully if you watch it again and again to catch all the references, overt and hidden meaning. And also the predictions. And I disagree there will never be enough Giles singing on the show. The “exposition” song was the best.

Ash Lee Can

I'll just say this, you'll definitely appreciate in full after seeing g the whole series. And even then, it'll probably take multiple rewatches to catch most of it lol... What I love about this episode is that it's certainly not the typical finale. We had that with the previous episode. So it always leaves the question first go around, "If that wasn't the finale, then what the hell is?!" I also appreciate that the dream sequences actually navigates like real dreams...


Angel and Cordelia were originally supposed to appear in this episode, with Cordelia being in Anya's place when all the students were heckling Willow in class, while Angel was supposed to be in Tara's role in Buffy's dream. However, I think both actors were too busy with filming Angel or something to that effect when they made this episode.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Makes sense. Usually when parallel shows have actors cross over they make up for it by having that actor have a reduced role or be absent altogether in the corresponding(or close) episode of their own show. In this case Angel would be having it's first season finale on the same night, so clearly Angel and Cordelia aren't going to be absent or reduced in role on their own show's finale. Lol, Wesley just soloing the finale


I feel like with this episode it helps to have a good knowledge of David Lynch movies/shows, because this is basically an homage to him, or at least a tonne of references to his work. Theres refs to Twin Peaks, Inland Empire and Mulholland Drive specifically.


Like everyone else is saying, this is one you won’t fully understand until the show is over, is filled with spoilers/hints at “what is to come”, and is brilliant in its subtlety. My favorite part is how they were able to write each character as sort of cliche in each other’s dreams. Like in Willow’s dream, Xander makes horrible jokes and women in a sexual way. In Gile’s dream, Buffy is so innocent and naive like a little girl. We project these feelings and thoughts onto the people in our dreams and Joss was able to capture that. Also, there’s so many dream cliches he got right like not being able to understand someone when they are going to tell you something crucial to save your life.

Brent Justice

lol watching you go "huh" the whole time throughout the episode made me laugh, it's pretty much the right response hehe, and everyone has it with this episode. It might take a re-watch for you to really grasp things. I'll give you my personal, brief, break down, but there are honestly better guides out there. Just make sure it's a non spoiler guide or video if you watch one. So you pretty much got that this was a dream sequence episode, sparked by the spell they did which was an afront to the first slayer. If you noticed, everyone kind of went through an issue they were experiencing in their life, and focused on that. With Willow the issue was simple, her growth and change in character from the beginning can be seen like she is wearing a costume. She started as a geek, but has grown so much in character, and changed a lot, so her current personality, dress style, life choices, everything, can be seen like a costume over her original self. For Xander, it’s about the troubles with his family, like you said, his Dad, and that he doesn’t want to be like him. Also the fact that he is stuck, in the basement literally, just having an ice cream truck job, he has no ambition, he’s going no where, no career in mind, he’s just floating in life, and isn’t going anywhere while everyone around him is. For Giles, part of it is that he views Buffy as a daughter, he has a fathers love for her, and while she’s supposed to be independent and having this birth right and all this, he’s basically treating her like a child. And he is also stuck, not being watcher anymore, and not really having a job, he doesn’t know where he’s headed. Finally Buffy, we see the distance she’s been keeping from her mom and not spending time with her or even informing her what’s going on. We also see some other things about Riley, which I don’t really care about, and then of course the Slayer stuff. She finally just says hey, maybe you were a loner as a Slayer, but she doesn’t have to be, she does and can have friends, and she can be a normal person even being the Slayer. I am also so glad that you remembered what Faith said to Buffy a long time. We have to remember that Slayer dreams do have meaning. There is a connection. They have prophecy as well. Buffy prophetically had dreams about the Master remember. I’m glad everyone in the group came over and spent that night together, just an awesome laid back moment for them all, it’s nice just to have a relaxed episode. It also kept Joyce company. Season 5 does seem like the dawn of a new era.

Salv Mancuso

It's odd that my enjoyment of this episode grows as years pass. I would say 7/10 on my first watch, but now 10/10 due to watching back after the series ended.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Here's a translation of the french segment Giles: (in French) "… the house where we're all sleeping. All your friends are there having a wonderful time and getting on with their lives. The creature can't hurt you there." Xander: (in English) "What? Go where? I don't understand." Giles: (in French) "Oh for God's sake, this is no time for your idiotic games!" Anya: (in French) "Xander! You have to come with us now! Everybody's waiting for you!" Giles: (in French) "That's what I've been trying to tell him." Xander: (in English) "Honey, I don't… I can't hear you…" Anya: (in French) "It's not important. I'll take you there." Xander: (in English) "Well, wait. Where are we going?" Also the writing on Tara's back is an ancient Greek poem written by Sappho of Lesbos, which with a moment's thought to etymology makes all kinds of sense. Interestingly the manner in which they're killed in their dreams reflects their part in the enjoining spell. Willow has her soul/life force sucked out(spiritus, the spirit), Xander has his heart ripped out(animus, the heart), Giles is apparently scalped(sophus, the mind), and Buffy is simply attacked(manus, the hand). Interestingly when Tara is holding the manus card, Buffy says "I'm never gonna use those", perhaps implying there's some situation she's not going to fight her way out of. Joss Whedon was known to plan things out years in advance on this show. Future events would be foreshadowed quite commonly 2-3 years ahead of time. An offhand quip or the expiration date on a credit card can have deeper meaning looking back at the end, but even then you REALLY have to dig. Wouldn't be surprised if the show still has hidden references nobody has spotted. Anyway, can't really discuss more without getting spoilery, so looking forward to the next episode.


...Maybe I'm just no fun at parties, but I wish people would have just let you enjoy this as an off-the-wall, quirky episode without feeling the need to tell you that certain moments are foreshadowing. Yeah, nobody is *strictly* spoiling anything, but it still seems spoilery to me.


Be back before dawn. 👀


I absolutely agree, especially the comments that point out the specific lines and scenes. Any comment that implies anything about where the show is headed is definitely a spoiler, even if those comments are vague.

Raven Dark

I love the hidden meaning in Xander's part, the subtle implication of his fears that he isn't going anywhere. All roads lead to the basement. As weird as it is, I also like the implications behind the scene between him and Joyce. Remember, she made a move on him in season 2, when every woman in Sunnydale was in love with him. That memory snuck up on him and wove itself into the dream.

Briony Addey

I always loved this episode. But the more I watch it, the more I feel deeply uncomfortable with the treatment of the first Slayer. The fact a white woman speaks on her behalf, the comment about her hair. It's a fairly standard blind spot for a show from this time, but still it's disappointing.

Brent Justice

You are really judging based on skin color and ethnicity? Wow, I guess that's where our society is today. The color of Tara's skin has nothing to do with anything in this episode. Nor does the hairstyle comment. Congratulations on making something racial, that was not. Pretty sad. Yes, what you said was a racist remark.


I also loved how brilliantly they did the creepy 'Apocalypse Now' scene, it was perfect. :)

allison lussier

After you finish season 5 you should rewatch this episode. Its crazy how much info/how many clues they drop here.

Marion Berg

I have seen this episode loads of times and I still discover new stuff each time. It's pure genius how much they managed to put in there both from earlier seasons and stuff that's yet to come