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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1 Season 3 Episode 3 REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4rr4rrxti5l7c8/Stargate%20S3E3%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

LINK (Download/stream): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nWVho9eSH1_Y_beDI66WUPtli3Cob8mX/view?usp=sharing

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Double bubble for this past weeks SG videos! Fall update vid coming next

Thomas Thorburn

Why are the videos not working ?


Double drop?!?!?!? 🤯🤯🤯🤯


The download links are fine, but the versions hosted by Google Drive need some time to be processsed before you can stream them in the browser.


I've been looking forward to you hitting this episode, because from here Seasons 3 and 4 really take off. I think your thoughts at the end sum it up pretty well. I think the opening scene is a great example of the mutual respect that the series and the Air Force developed for each other. Without spoiling anything, you should know that several of the cast extras in military roles were active duty members of the U.S. Air Force, and that there are a few noteworthy cameos in the next three seasons.


Now I am looking forward to seeing your reaction to the Asgards' enemy. When Thor said they were worse then the Goa'uld, he really wasn't kidding.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Love this episode for a number of reasons. It just builds up the lore and world of SG1 a lot. Killing a system lord has put us on the shit list of the goa'uld at large, and we're starting to establish major players like Cronus and Yu now. Also Earth being included in the protected planets treats(sans some ridiculous conditions) is a big plus and gives Earth some breathing room, though I wouldn't count on them not looking for some loopholes to mess with us. Yu is probably the goa'uld I respect the most. He isn't delusional enough to actually believe the goa'uld are gods, hence not assuming the role of one, and he seems more willing to negotiate than most. He's still one of the bad guys, but not full on mustache twirling evil. And it's so great to see Carter get recognized. She literally saved the planet in A Matter of Time and just has an exemplary service record at this point. Also knowing she was a major for most of the shows run, going back to the first 2 seasons it always felt off hearing her referred to as captain. Lastly I don't know if you noticed but if Thor's voice sounded a little familiar, it's because Michael Shanks pulled double duty to voice the character from this episode onward.

Stef Furness

Oh, Yu... "Usually I'm a man of few words, and in conclusion..." is the best start to a speech ever. I get a little teary eyed for promotion scenes - I'm glad he kept it short. I also love seeing Jack's knowing giddiness before her promotion is announced because I'm sure it was his signature on a lot of the pre-emptive paperwork acknowledging her "above and beyond" hard work. This really is another great foundation-building episode moving forward... you're right, btw - starting some notes isn't a bad idea! Maybe start with that system lord tree they showed at the beginning of Seth's episode? I believe the kill count is currently 4: Ra, Apophis, Hathor, and Seth (though he was already off their radar). and on our radar is another 6: Cronus, Yu, Niirti, Sokar, Heruer, and Ammonet. Did I forget anyone?

Timothy Nikiforovs

well Apophis for all they know is still alive in one of Sokar's torture chambers as Martouf said, but clearly not much of an issue anymore. Also there's still Klorel to worry about

Stef Furness

Thank you! Yes, I remembered Martouf had suggested Apophis would be revived, but I still think he counts on the kill list as far as what their reputation claims they're capable of. I had a feeling I was forgetting someone and I'm super disappointed with myself bc Ska'ara has always been one of my favorite characters (and esp since he's only one of two actors they kept from the movie).


Isn't that because Yu is one of the oldest continuous Goa'uld still alive, tho? So he was alive from the time before they became corrupted like they are now, hence he's less affected than most?


Nirrti is always a good time!

Amy Appleyard

Im so excited you are up to Season 3! This season is so goooooood! Also can't wait for season 4!!!

Timothy Nikiforovs

Also I just thought of it, but since Cronus if the most powerful system lord, that basically meas he took over Ra's spot in the hierarchy after the movie.


Season 5 will make his brain explode

Stef Furness

Maybe? When the show started, Daniel spoke of Ra and Apophis as opposing forces. In this episode, Teal'c states Apophis is the sworn enemy of Cronus. Forgive me, my memory is a little fuzzy right now on the backstory of Apophis and Sokar, but I think somewhere in there they mention how jaffa troops are absorbed when one goauld defeats another, and we see Hathor both "recruiting" and creating her jaffa forces. We also know Hathor can create larvae, but we don't have much backstory for how Ammonet (or Klorel) came to be before SG-1 entered the scene. I guess what I'm trying to get at is that we don't really see a lot of king/queen style partnerships among the goauld, but a lot of in-fighting and deceptive politics that rivals Game of Thrones. I wonder at how Ra's forces would have been divvied up after his defeat and can only guess that it would hinder on who heard the news first and how quickly the invading forces arrived to claim each planet in his territory. I also imagine a good chunk of his most loyal forces and priests chose death over belief that their god was dead. Remind me - Heruer is enemy of Apophis because he's the son of Ra? Without an ordered banishment (such as the instance of Teal'c's father), how many worlds do you think might have defected to Apophis or Cronus rather than serve an heir who may be perceived as weaker than his father? And you'd think, as powerful as he was, shouldn't Ra have had a queen somewhere?

James Yancy

@Timothy, no, Cronus didn't take Ra's place as Supreme System Lord. No one did, because none of them had the overwhelming superiority over the others necessary that Ra did. Ra had kept a lot of advanced tech to himself that didn't get spread to the other Goa'uld until they started poaching his territory and assets after he died. This is why Teal'c was unaware of the new Hat'ak speeds and some other Goa'uld tech such as the personal shield that Apophis surprised them with on the Nox Homeworld. The System Lords just became more contentious among each other trying to get the upper hand on each other when they saw a chance. Ra had enforced an artificial peace amongst them using overwhelming military power. @Stef, Teal'c didn't say that Apophis was Cronus sworn enemy, he said that he HIMSELF was Cronus sworn enemy. Apophis was Ra's wannabe rival. Also, Ra DID have a Queen... Hathor.

Timothy Nikiforovs

Ok so Cronus didn't exactly take Ra's place since he doesn't have the power to control the others, but he is the closest thing at this point. No doubt the other system lords steer clear of him, and Teal'c did say Apophis and Cronus were enemies. "I vowed I would become the strongest Jaffa I could, so one day I could be named First Prime of Apophis, sworn enemy of Cronus". If that seems ambiguous, then "Cronus is the most influential of the System Lords. It was he who originally banished Sokar. Cronus was also a mortal enemy of Apophis" makes it pretty clear.


So excited for the next episode!

James Yancy

@Timothy, yeah Cronus and Apophis definitely didn't get along which was precisely why Teal'c and his mother fled to Chu'lak. At this point, Cronus, Yu, and Heru'ur are at similar strength levels, but Sok'kar is a big enough threat to the System Lords Collective that they can't afford to spend their forces recklessly in case they suddenly find themselves in a bad position as Apophis did after his defeat over Earth. The other System Lords caught Apophis in a moment of weakness and took advantage of it, and Sok'kar was the one to get the final blow against him.

Stef Furness

Ra left Hathor in a sarcophagus on earth for ten thousand years after the uprising. I think, even by goauld standards, that's not much of a partnership. As much as I hate to say it, Apophis actually had a better contingency plan than Ra.


I don't often post stuff but I just wanted to say that after the first few episodes, season 3 really kicks things into gear. Even the standalone eps in season 3 are of a much higher quality, on all levels. Nearly every episode, at least for me, is at least an 8 out of 10 - many of them being a full 10. I think you're gonna love it.


WOOT. A fav and a great start for greatness after