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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Community Season 5 Episode 3 REACTION!

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gskdlqf0jahfoa/Community%20S5E3%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

LINK (Download/stream): https://drive.google.com/file/d/16l4nOTY0OTcLMxGdLzYyNssJcHZPtlv2/view?usp=sharing



I am the bringer of change..

Vincent Valentin

The thing this reminded me of the most is Zodiac for some reason, which if you haven't seen you should.


Yes this is an homage to David Fincher's Zodiac. The filter and directing styles are straight from the film. Reference to this season 2 episode 17, Annie's campaign speech for class president she pledged to bring the Ass Crack Bandit to justice.

Karl O'Shaughnessy

They never caught the Zodiac, the point is it could one of them or all of them and we will never actually know. YOU should watch the Zodiac film its really good the Hulk,Iron Man and Mysterio are in it.

Oliver Harrison

I always thought the pierce death thing was a bit too sudden


The Pierce situation makes more sense if you look up the backstory of how Chevy Chase and Dan Harmon were falling out, so when Dan came back for season 5 Chevy was out. A bit sudden reveal here, but next episode will deal more with it.


Yea... Chevy vs Harmon. Started all the way back in season 2. They butted heads constantly. At some point there was a very drunken, very awful voicemail Chevy left on Harmon's phone. Harmon then, being the dick he is, played it out loud to an entire audience. This was during season 3. Then Harmon was booted. Harmon was always fighting with the network over everything. They thought his style was not mainstream enough, and Chevy was a bigger name, so they rebranded the show a bit with new showrunners, tried to make their leading man (Jeff) more likable, and replaced a lot of the nuance with more palatable jokes for a wider audience. It didn't matter though, because as much of a pain Harmon was, Chase was just as bad if not worse. He eventually started no-showing, and the whole cast was tired of him. Harmon and Glover both tell a story of the time Chase told Glover "You know they only think you're funny because you're black, right?". If you go back to season 4 you'll notice Pierce is missing from some episodes entirely, and others he's only in one or 2 scenes. Chevy eventually just stopped showing up, and they accepted it was the end of him. When they brought Harmon back for season 5, due to fan uproar and the entire cast pushing for him, that was the nail in the coffin. Chase was out. They had already begun writing episodes 1 and 2 before they found out Chase was definitely not returning, which is why Pierce is written off in those episodes as just busy. Hickey was inserted as his replacement, although they were unsure how big his role would be when the season started. Then when word had come in Chevy was officially out, they wanted to write him off as fast as possible. That's why it seems sudden. But then again, isn't a sudden death always sudden?

Eric C. Johnson

Most of this is how I remember, but I recall the S4 to S5 transition slightly differently. It has been a while, but there was an incident during Season 4 (separate but related to the incident you mentioned) where Chase told the writers, "You are writing me so racist pretty soon I will be saying the n-word" and Chase said the word. Several cast members walked off set that day and while it wasn't Chase's last day, either it or another incident we don't know about precipitated Chase not filming the final few episodes of Season 4's production, bar voice work for the puppet episode. I remember Harmon saying he was told by Sony that Chase was not allowed back on the Sony lot (maybe this is what took them a couple episodes to learn if he was coming back or not). Sony wouldn't tell Harmon why, but this is why there are jokes by the hologram and Neil over the intercom about Pierce being banned from campus. I think Harmon even shot the hologram scene on his own time and money and location because that's how seriously Sony took Chase not coming back. It's a little unfair to say Harmon returning was the nail in the coffin as Harmon said he had made up with Chase before he came back. It was Chase's actions while he was gone that ensured he off the show as far as Sony was concerned. Everything else is spot on!


Ah you may be right... I'm a bit fuzzy on the deets after a few years.

EM Jeanmougin

The backwards Chang made me laugh harder than I've probably ever laughed at Chang before. As others have said, this ep is based off Zodiac, which was based on the real-life story of the Zodiac killer. The movie adaptation has a bit of the same problem this episode does; they never actually caught the killer. For whatever reason, he just stopped killing. Meaning there's really no closure in the story. Character-wise, I was sad to have Pierce die because of all the characters he always had the most room for development, but Chase was a big liability and apparently also an asshole, so I'm not sorry they fired him.

Eric C. Johnson

No worries! It's an otherwise awesome summary of the situation, but it is a weird irony that despite their falling out at the end of Season 3, Harmon was the only one who still wanted Chase and it was Sony and the cast (who saw what he was like even without Harmon around) who were basically like no.