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What it dooski! Here's my UNEDITED EXCLUSIVE: Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban REACTION!

Google Drive LINK: (download option/stream) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EeDYBEin3__OtGaI3JQr9iqwpkgtFDOV/view?usp=sharing

LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzf6lsnjiqy75zf/Harry%20Potter%203%20UNEDITED.mp4?dl=0

What'd you think of this one? Let me know in the comment section down below! :) HP4 next! 


Vladyslav Serdiuk

Why does your background in the first few minutes of the video have Harry and Ron in the Stargate?


Here we go!

Palpatine the deceived

Also they recast Dumbledore because Richard Harris the previous guy who played Dumbledore died shortly after the second movie wrapped filming.


Theres an Indian film called Bahubali thats pretty sick if you havent seen it and are looking for things to watch when youre done with these


I was so excited to watch this movie with you and I’m glad you liked it! The dementors are indeed creepy. Rowling has said that they represent depression and how it makes you feel like you’ll never be happy again and you can only remember the bad times. I love that the cure for it is happy thoughts and chocolate lol. Also yes that was Gary Oldman (good eye! One more thing about the new actor for Dumbledore. The man who played the character in the first two films (Richard Harris) died before this one could be made and that’s why he was replaced by Michael Gambon. Harris will be missed of course but I also appreciate Gambon’s take on the beloved professor. Anyway, great reaction! Can’t wait to continue on the journey with you!

Siti Dee

Yessss azkaban is def imo one of the best hp film of the series! I believe the dementors are a metaphor for depression according to the author, J.K. Rowling. She was fighting depression when she wrote azkaban (Correct me if i'm wrong potterheads!). And chocolates is part of her coping mechanisims, again correct me if I'm wrong. I'm really happy you're enjoying this! Right! Onto HP4!


Let's gooooo!


New Dumbledore also played Kazran Sardick in the Christmas Carol who episode


This is my favourite movie! I wish Alfonso Cuaron directed the rest of the films, so many of the shots are really well done. I love the first dementor scene on the train. Watching that as an 11 year old after the first 2 movies which were a lot lighter in tone was shocking. This movie imo had the right balance of a darker tone but with plenty of colour and humorous moments.


Loved your reaction and can't wait to see you watch the rest of the movies! Dumbledore was recast because Richard Harris passed away of terminal cancer shortly after the second movie was finished. And YES Sirius is played Gerry Oldman! :)


One thing they didn't explain is the Marauder's Map was made by Moony (Lupin) Wormtail (Pettigrew) Prongs (James Potter) and Padfoot (Sirius), that's why Lupin knew it was a map!

Hayden Smith

Great reaction as usual. One thing I feel is kind of important to know though, which they for some reason completely leave out of the movies but is basically spelled out for you in the book this movie is based on, Lupin, Sirius, James, and Peter Pettigrew were of course best friends during school and they were the ones that actually created the Marauder's Map. As I said, that gets revealed in this very same book, but for some reason they never actually say it in this movie or in any movie. I guess they just expected people to have read the book, but I feel that's kind of unfair to assume. To add to this, the names Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs on the map are actually the names of the animals they turn into, Mooney being Lupin the Werewolf , Wormtail being Peter the Rat, Padfoot being Sirius the Dog, and Prongs being James the Stag. Sirius, James, and Peter all learned how to turn into animals so they could be with Lupin on the nights where he turned into a Werewolf. Once again, this is all very plainly spelled out in the Prisoner of Azkaban book, but for some reason they left it out of this movie. Also you were right, Sirius was played by Gary Oldman.

Andrew W

This is one of my favourite movies of the franchise. Glad that you liked it. They're all pretty good from here on. Enjoying your reactions, can't wait for the next one!


None of the HP links are working


Dooskie meowing at the door like ”let me in!!!!!!!” (Min 46) 😂

Rob Flynn

Hmm yeah this one's broken too

Rob Flynn

Looks like all of the dropbox links for all shows are broken. I guess there's a larger problem going on at the account level or service level.


Thanks for the message, Rob! Just figured this out too. Getting on it now. Will update when I find a solution


I adore this movie - while it was the most initially disappointing, as it left out a good amount of scenes from the book I had been looking forward to, I've come to accept it as my favorite of the whole lot. It's got a great tone, some incredible shot compositions, the transitions are so freaking good, and the acting is just all around better.

Rob Flynn

"Collect your face" LOL


Glad you enjoyed this one. This was when series took a significant step up for me. Looking forward to number 4.

Dan Silvershein

is the movie sound low for anyone else?

Hazel Malone

cant wait for the next one

Kennedy Weaver


Suzanne Austen

When will Goblet of Fire be up?

Aaron Tyrrell

When is Goblet of fire out ?

Emma Baldwin

I actually didn’t notice Dumbledore being different until I was older. The original, Richard Harris, passed away. 😔

Jack Mellor

I mean, Voldemort is still the underlying threat/villain here, and he is across the whole series frankly up until the last few where he becomes front and centre. It’s just in the first few films, he’s struggling to find methods of gaining his physical self back, after he tried to kill Harry after killing his parents (the moment he cursed Harry, he became as he states in the first film “mere shadow and vapour”, similar to Sauron in TLOTR) and Harry keeps getting in the way of him making a proper return. Quite possibly this is my favourite film in the series, tied with the second IMO, there not just good films in a series but just...they’re great FANTASY movies, in the sense of that feeling of wanting this world to be real so bad! That scene with Harry flying on Buckbeak for the first time, is a great example, just blissful awe. Binging these unedited reactions since I became a Patron, gonna immediately jump into GOF.