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Oh my god. I can't believe it's actually finished! I feel like I've been editing this thing for years! Thanks again to everyone who's been so patient with us. We know this episode took a lot longer than usual to make, but we really wanted this finale to be special, and we're so grateful that you guys put up with us. Anyway, I'm gonna go pack for Anime Boston, and hope you guys enjoy the episode. :) 



SAOA 11.mp4



Damn. They took down episode 11 from Google Drive (but not any of the others)


You can still download it via the main Google Drive link (<a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-69GdBn4qlEQTlPU2FCdUpFUkk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-69GdBn4qlEQTlPU2FCdUpFUkk</a>). Right click -&gt; Download.


You guys are amazing, and I wish I could pledge more money towards you lot!! You guys sure do deserve a well taken break! Thank you so much for all these hilarious episodes :D Here's to hoping you can make ALO bearable to watch (if you have any future plans to cover it, fingers crossed)


Yes!! It Was The best!! ☺️

Virginia Doran

Yayyyyyyyy! Thanks so much for showing it to us!!! =D It's so so good! You actually did an emotional conclusion for an abridged series, that's a huge accomplishment. Cannot WAIT to see what you do next!


That was Amazing! Saving the best til last I see. We need a season 2 tho


Well done guys, well done


Amazing job with this episode


That was fucking amazing! I loved every bit of this. Four fucking years. Damn it's been a fun ride, and I look forward to continue enjoying it. Congratulations. This is something truly special.


Oh wow, really loved this. Especially 27:09


That was a fucking roller coaster. Phenomenal work. Definitely worth the wait.


A masterpiece!! Thank you!!!!

jack french

more emotion and more comedy than the original great work


Sooooo you're gonna do the rest of SAO too right? Because this shit is amazing

jack french

And if this is what you guys can do when your so restrained by the source material I really cant wait until you start putting out your original material


This is by far the best abridged series I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Love you guys!


oh MY GOD what a ride!!! What you guys have made is just so dang awesome. Thank you for taking up this project guys, what an amazing journey!


Such a great ending! The wait was well worth it. I'm really looking forward to your next project!

Dusk Wolf

Way to end this season with epicness, laughs and emotions all at once! I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for having made SAO abridged, and having made it so masterfully well!


Officially my new canon! Amazing job! I definitely lost it at "fucking Bethesda."


Thank you so much for an amazing four years SWE!! ^^ That was such an amazing finale and I didn't think I was going to get so emotional but I did hahaha. Loved everything about this whole series!! :)

Austin Logan

This was absolutely magnificent; thank you for all the work you've put into this series.


Thank you guys sooooo fucking much! This has been one of the best abriged series ive watched! I am hopefull for ALO but, if it were to end here, I'd be just as happy!


This was well worth the wait. Now to plan a move night with my friends and watch these back to back! 10/10 would throw swords at ghost again


Love the little details on Kayaba's web browser. "Dolph Lundgren - IMDB" "Metacritic - Sword Art Online" "Game Design for Dummies" You guys do amazing work, hope to see your future projects become successes as well.


This has gone beyond being a simple abridged to being it's own creative production. The story, characters, pacing, and world-building far and away exceed the source material. Bravo on a fantastic job well done guys, and take a nice break before season two starts, you deserve it!


10/10 hilarious best script writing ive ever seen.


Words can't express how awesome this episode and the whole season was! While I felt kinda sad at the end of the anime, your version actually got me to tear up from both the laughs and genuine sadness from the end. Side note what's the ending song? I really liked it and wanna get it.


Well worth the wait, you all did an amazing job with this one. Keep it up looking forward to the next season interested to see how you will pan that out. Thank you for your amazing work.


Even though I knew what was going to happen in the episode, the delivery presented here put me in tears. I love your work. it is more than just satiare it is what SAO should have been. I sincerely hope that this is not the end, and that the true story of SAO will be told. Don't change a thing you guys are amizing, now I do drink when ever you air a new episode so I need more bourbon as i watch this a second time.

Alex D.

Best 35 minutes of the year so far. I can't say it enough: Well done making SAO into something worth showing to people. Thanks for all the hard work :)

Alex D.

LMFAO CoffinJockey as Nashida the Fish Fucker. Thanks you so much for yet more unstoppable laughter, even in the credits.


Wow amazing. Truly amazing. Obviously this episode a lot of SAO haters would have love to see instead but seriously just a Fanastic marvelous not only parody but satire of life and the meaning of technongly for people. I'll continue to support you all even if it isn't about SAO. I'll be delighted to see what happens with those other shows done in the past continued or starting new shows. Again well done all of you.


This was welll worth the wait thank you SWE. You keep out doing yourself. That made me cry my little bitch tears.


Oh and when that fight started and you hit the theme song, it was just right. I shouted "YEAHHHHHH!!" in my house and my room mates were like "whats going on in here....no way a new episode start it over man"

Jacob Tucker

35 and a half minutes. Every second of it was GLORIOUS!


That was... more serious than I was expecting. Still amazing though. I'm curious how some of the plot deviations (such as Kayaba surviving) will factor into the Fairy Dance arc.


Thank you! It's called "Coming Home" from Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-!


That was amazing!! And great to see the shout out at the end to all patreons 😁


This was amazing. You guys did one hell of a job with this. I can't wait to see what you do with ALO. Keep up the good work.


I was waiting for it...waiting for it...and then heard the quarter fall. Can't wait for more, guys. '-')b Also hot damn that Coming Home cover, gotta wait for the youtube video description because I can NOT fracking find it.


Holy hell that was great! Awesome job everyone! (Fish guy's name was absolutely hilarious)


Thank you so much! You guys are amazing! Keep up the good work.


That wa perfect...like doctor who perfect...thank you


Good freaking lord that was fantastic!


Amazing. Great episode, great series. I can't wait for the rest of it and the other things you guys do.


This was sooooo worth the wait. I am so incredibly satisfied, I don't know what to do with myself. I love this abridged series so much. Fantastic work, much love, later. (Also, REALLY kinda-sorta fell in love with the credits song and looked it up. Just felt like mentioning that).


I love you guys so much. This was by far the greatest finale one could hope for :D &lt;3 What are your plans now?


This was absolutely amazing! I've never seen a series with so much put into it, and all I can say is thank you guys for the blood, sweat, and rage-induced tears that you guys put into this! I am excited for anything else you do in the future! Maybe even the Alfheim arc? ;)



Felix the Cat

Right fucking on! I can't make it to Boston, but how about I just support instead ; )


That was worth every penny

Andrew E Meyer

Well, you made me tear up watching this, I hope you're happy you jerks.


Awesome, just awesome. Sooooooo, do you think you could make that whole fairy arc look good too? I know It's a tall order but judging from your work with the first season I think you could do it. Any plans to continue?

Charlie Sims

I love the sound of the coin being inserted at the last second to the arcade machine (really hope that means they choose to continue cause KIYABA ABOVE I NEED MORE OF THIS)


This has been one of the best series ever!!! Please please please continue your abridged series, I beg of you!!!


Guys, that was so awesome, thank you so much for that! :)


The Kayaba end-scene-thing had me in tears; part-laughter part-actual feels. For me, it's this show's achievement so far. I look forward to seeing SAOA ep 12. After, or course, the minimum gap of 5 months to let Izzy recuperate. Because holy crap 35 minutes.


Amazing work, I really look forward to your next project, whatever it may be! Easily my favorite abridged series of all ( you're still awesome ofc team4star! ), and it's among my favorite comedy series as well^^ I know you get that a lot, but it's amazing how you took the show/manga's interesting premise but lackluster execution and made something truly riveting with GOOD character development! "legasp" Also, with this final entry you have basically made the equivalent length of a SAO movie, how does that make you feel? ^^


not working for me


This can't be the end of SAO abridged. Do what ever you need to do to continue making it. This series is pure gold. It has to go on!


you know somethings good when you stand up and walk around while watching i, and sit down in silence for ten minutes when you finish it.


I have watched this three times, and I will probably go through it another two times over the weekend. You guys are amazing, and thank you so much for adding joy and laughter into the world.


That was next level... I mean I loved the series up to this point but this was just something else. Bravo guys you've done something amazing, and I can only pray you continue the efforts going forward.

Michael Waisfeld

You know what I think would have made the original climax feel a little less deus-ex-machina-boner-power is to cut to kirito at the hospital after asuna "dies" and see him kinda starting to twitch. Then when it's time to break the game and stab kayaba you see him basically raging and starting to overload the nervgear causing it to glitch and allowing him to keep doing shit even though he's supposed to be dead already. but no instead we get the power of the protagonist magic boner that transcends space and time.


This was beautiful. The ending was amazing. The fact that the game was all because of a glitch made it all so much more funny.

SHE Superheroine Encyclopedia

Put more coins in the machine gods and goddesses dang it. I want to see Gun Gale Online Abridged. I can only imagine what awesome stuff Kirito would say to the Death Gun. And how he'd react to having a feminine body. And how the first guy he meets offers to please his avatar for some money. Please, more!


Gun gale, the return of don fluffles and Jeffery as death gun lol


I haven't seen it posted on YouTube either. Then again, I think I lucked out catching the notification of epsiode 10 just as it was put online, because it was gone by the time I tried to rewatch it. So if I didn't catch it, it might just be gone. But I'm not seeing any reaction videos (somehow, those stayed up when ep 10 got taken down) either so.... I dunno. I'm downloading the file now, and just hope this isn't an elaborate April fools joke...


It was a fantastic watch! While I'm sure all number of reactors are going to be posting on youtube before the official release, I know that this ep is top tier out of 12!


i would just like to say...thank you...that was a perfect ending to an amazing series...i rank that ending up with the season 8 of scrubs...or the (3rd) ending of futrama...so once again...thank you...and please...TAKE MY MONEY!!!! lol

Splice Knight

This had me going from laugher to near tears and back again. An absolutely masterpiece that stands above SAO by far as a piece of godly writing. Thank you so much for the 4 years you put into making this series, and revolutionizing the abridged world on YouTube.

Splice Knight

when is this being released onto youtube?


Very nice. Now, on to season 2! XD


god damn that is great. i'm sad season 1 is done though. thanks for all the work you guys and gals put into it.

Vintron Exonite

Better conclusion than the actual series.


Sony claimed it as soon as it was uploaded so whenever they are able to get it back then it'll be up :)


This was awesome. you guys are amazing voice actors. i hope part two becomes a reality. &lt;3


Season 2 and more to come! ~Mackenzie Murdock (Hayabusa449)


It feels like we need to learn to write shorter scripts, lol. Thanks for all the feedback and support! ~Mackenzie Murdock (Hayabusa449)


It seems to be working just fine for everyone else... what exactly is the issue? ~Mackenzie Murdock (Hayabusa449)


fantastic! I loved the bit with kayaba at the end. I look forward to ALO


You guys did amazing!! I cant wait to see your second season. Im so stoked to see you guys to My Hero Academia!! Keep up the good work! 😘


I can't be the only one that spotted this, I think. I'm really glad that Kayaba's entire downward spiral into madness and negligence is kinda based on a true story. I will always remember how Obsidian Entertainment got pressured into getting a Metacritic score of 85 or above by Bethesa on New Vegas. Thanks to unforeseen gamebreaking bugs on launch spotted by early reviewers (Poltergeist Doc Mitchell is a good start), they got a score of 84. The team never got those bonuses. It's a far cry from a video game killing thousands of people in a tron world, but still.