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Howdy, y'all!

As we mentioned the other day, the preview clip for Patrons should be up really soon. Like, RIGHT NOW soon! Thank you for your continued patience and support. 

Oh, and a shiny new donkey to whomever can tell me what that message Asuna gets says!


SAOA Ep 11 Patreon Preview: "Nishida Says Hello"

Please do not share link or spoil contents of video for non-patrons. This is just for you guys :)



Hahaha omg that is amazing! Agh, ep 11 is gonna be so great!


Lol all of this time between episodes, and I'm not disappointed in the least. Can't wait to see what we have coming up in 11!


I Love it......Keep up the great work!!! <3


After all... I'm just a sexy little baby...


it says roughly : Message Lieutenant commander Asuna, I know you and the rest of the guild must have been worried sick these last few days, what with the peace talks going south and me being held captive by a gang of sadistic lunatics. Let me just put your fears to rest by saying I am okay. It was pretty touch and go there for a while, but I was eventually able to convince the King of Ashes to let me go by… well, there’s no easy way to say this, I promised him you’d pose for some photos. Apparently they’re preparing some kind of charity calendar for cancer research once we get out of here or something. Look, they’ve promised me it’s all going to be very tasteful. Minor side boob at most, We’ll discuss the details later. Anywho*, he also promised to let the guild pass through his territory so that we can challenge the 75 floor’s boss, so we’re good to go! I hope you two enjoyed your honeymoon, because it’s time to have us a raid! P.S what is your thong size? It’s for the calendar. From Heathcliff Only word I’m not sure about*