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-MHAA 3 Editing: 92%
-MHAA 4 Writing: 90%
-SAOA 17 Recording: DONE!
-SAOA 17 Editing: 75%
-The Ol' Switcheroo (we moved offices)


Howdily doodily, sluterinos!

We're back! From the store! With smokes! We're your dad! We came back! Just like you always said!

You may call us father, padre, or sir! But never daddy! Admiral is also acceptable! We bought a boat! It came with the cigarettes! It was a very fancy 7-11!

So SAOA! We're working on it! It's going good! Izzy's laid out about 17 minutes of what's probably about a 25-minute episode! It's shapin' up to be the worst one yet! But then again, we think that about every new episode, so who even fuckin' knows!

MHAA! Bam! Look at us! Givin' y'all the facts in this update! Almost like we don't got ADHD or somethin'!

Y'all know it's National Vore Day?! Or International Cat Day, if you're a coward! Kinda disturbing that those fall on the same day! Who decides these things?! Who gets to decide what's a celebrated day?! Who decided that vore needed a day?! Bet it was that PERVERT, Gore Verbinski! Or should we say VORE GERBINSKI! Guy's made like two movies with cannibalism in 'em, is all we're saying!

So anyway, MHAA! 100% of the visuals are done apart from one or two things that are being outsourced! Next step'll be music and SFX! However, there's probs gonna be a slight pause in production, as Carrie's having some dental surgery done tomorrow! She's probably gonna need about a week to recover, but she's gonna try and join us on stream! Man, all of these exclamation points make it sound like we're really excited about this, but we are concerned! She's not gonna DIE or anything but... you know?!

In other big SWE news, we shuffled around the offices! Izzy is no longer in the basement! Carrie took Logan's old office! Logan took over the SWE basement (the SWasement, if you will!)! And Izzy took Carrie's old office! We decided, what with the 10-year anniversary of SWE fast approaching, he maybe deserved some sunlight! As a treat! But make no mistake! We shall rip it from his pasty little hands if he steps even a little out of line!

Welp, that about it! Back to the store we go to... pick up those pop tarts your mother wanted! She's bound to be back any day now, and she's gonna be hungry!

Speaking of hungry, make sure to vore your cats, everybody! Lookin' at you, Gore! Ya sick fuck!

Something Witty



vore your cat, or eat that puu...

Ines Parker

Thank you daddy~