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-MHAA 3 Editing: 85%
-MHAA 4 Writing: 60%
-SAOA 17 Recording: 85%
-SAOA 17 Editing: 55%
-Happy Pride Month!
-Secret thing still coming


Sup bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes!

Happy Pride Month! Like, you should be proud of who you are all the time, but ESPECIALLY this month! You're just so goddamn attractive! Your skin is GLOWING! You using a new exfoliator or just hanging out down by the nuclear plant? Either way, it's really bringing out all three of your eyes. Majestic.

Now, we must do our best to pull our gazes away from your captivating knees to tell you about our progress.

We be editing.

Okay, now back to those spectacular knees you got. They're just... mesmerizing... like we might find the truth of existence within one of your immaculate pores...

What were we talking about?

Oh yeah. Abridging.

Slightly slower time last month. Like we said last time, we had some bois visiting for Carrie's burrdei and dental surgery. They were the same day. At the same time. It was wild. Her dentist brought real good drugs. Absolute legend.

Despite that, we still managed to make some decent progress, with about 13/25 minutes of lines and footage being laid out so far for SAOA, and about one more scene to do in MHAA before moving on to music and SFX. Also the secret thing. That one's gonna need a lil more time in the kiln, but it's almost there. We apologize in advance for unleashing it upon the world.

Oh, and we're back to our usual streaming schedule on Twitch, so that means a game stream this Friday, where we'll be trying to finish off Young Souls! It's been a real good time and we're excited to play more. Then, next week, we'll have another session of our D&D campaign, SWE&D, switching back and forth week to week. It's gettin' real good, y'all. We got a goodest boi! You just you gotta see him you gotta see him to believe it oh muh gawd!!!

But yeah, it's all here. Click the link: https://www.twitch.tv/somethingwittygaming

Y'all should also come hang out with us on our movie nights! If you don't know how it works, joining our Patreon at any tier gets you access to our Discord server where we watch movies with the fans at 8 pm PST every Friday night. Sometimes they're even good! There's a wheel that we spin to select peeps to "step up to the mic" if you will and chat a bit before and after the movie. We're gonna be real with y'all though... you have already missed us watching Morbius. It was... THE BEST worst time we've ever had, and you missed it. Your lives will never be complete. It's best you just accept that now. Better join our Discord now before you get any more FOMO. https://www.patreon.com/SWE

Okay, that should be about everything. Now, walk ya butt on out of here. Oh no! Now we're just staring at your beautiful butt! It's GLORIOUS! What wonders it holds! Like staring into the Ark of the Covenant! OH NO! IT'S LIKE STARING INTO THE ARK OF THE COVENANT! OUR FACES! THEY'RE MEEEEEEEELTIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGG! 

Something Witty


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