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-MHAA 3 Recording: DONE!
-MHAA 3 Editing: 69%
-MHAA 4 Writing: 33%
-SAOA 17 Recording: 26%
-SAOA 17 Editing: 15%
-Secret Patreon Thing???


Today's word is... "SECRET"!

Can you say "SECRET", kids? Well you better not, you little fuckin' snitch! Less you'se wants us ta sink ya ta da bottom o' da Thames! Ye, dat's right! We's London gangstas! Bet da accent was confusin', huh? We gots us a rich backstory. Emigrated from Brooklyn and whatnot.  "Immigrants get the job done", as dey say in Hamilton. You's evah seen Hamilton? Getcha selves a Disney+ subscription an' watch dat shit. It's fuckin' GREAT! Dat's anuduh SECRET fo you'se ;)

So yeah. All this to say we've been working on a ton of stuff, most of which we can't about. AND IT'S KILLING US! Like this shit's been in the works for YEARS!

Although... one thing in particular may be done quite soon~

Y'all remember a few years back when we hit a certain milestone and we made y'all some promises that y'all probably thought we forgot about? Well, Pepperidge Farm remembers, and so do we! Prepare your bodies for a certain SECRET one-shot episode, exclusively on Patreon in the coming weeks! We're super excited to finally see it released! Izzy, Chase, and Spencer wrote this thing years ago, and it's hard to believe it's actually going to see the light of day!


Oh god... this monstrosity is actually going to see the light of day...

Yeah... this may have been a mistake. We apologize in advance.

But we have still been working on our usual projects as well, so don't you worry. These tantalizing SECRETS haven't taken any time away from them. SAOA recording has been hitting a few speedbumps, but it's trucking along nicely. We've also made a lot of progress writing episode 4 of MHAA. Iida's... Iida's having a good time this episode. What sort of good time, you ask? Well, that's a SEEEEEEECREEEEEEET! Aaaaaaaaaah!!!

You see what we mean?! So many cool SECRETS we wanna tell you about, but we can't cuz it would spoil shit! It's terrible! Stupid lovin' you guys and wanting you to be surprised. Beh!

Oh yeah, and we're also editing stuff, but you know, we're always editing stuff. It's hard to STOP editing stuff, honestly. So that's a given.



There is one thing that is a SECRET no longer! Our Something Witty Gaming stream layout got a smexy new make-over! The incredibly talented and pretty JustKyleDavid made us a whole bunch of beautiful things! It looks so professional! It's great! Come check it out on Fridays at 2 pm PST at https://www.twitch.tv/somethingwittygaming! And go check out Kyle for your own art needs! You can find him on Twitter @justkyledavid and on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/justkyledavid! He is a beautiful boi with a face we would all like to smooch!

There you go. One whole SECRET spilled, with many more still lurking in reserve. You like that? You like being edged by these titillating SECRETS? Bet you do, you sick fuck. Who knows how many saucy SECRETS shall be revealed, or when?! You'll just have to come to all our fun shit to find out. But don't cum. You're not allowed to cum. Not yet...

Crushing your balls in a vice grip,
Something Witty



Fine... keep your SECRETS.


I had a SECRET once........