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-MHAA 3 Recording: 93%
-MHAA 3 Editing: 55%
-SAOA 17 Scripting: DONE!
-SAOA 16 Bloopies: 85%
-We got a recording booth!


Why... hello there. *lowers bathrobe off one shoulder* Didn't see you come in. You're looking quite... well. Girthy even. Good on ya.

We don't know if you've heard but... Valentine's Day will soon be upon us. Just like... *moans*... We'd like to be upon you. We're sorry. Was that too subtle? We're saying we'd like us to smash our bits together in a mutually agreeable manner. To completion, of course. Hopefully both of us, but if it's just us, we won't complain.

Just like we won't complain about all the progress we made on the SAOA 17 script! We usually would have only started on scripting after 16 was finished, but since we decided to adjust our work schedules and add scripting days during editing, we were able to complete (giggity) the first draft of 17 late last month! Now that we've got a final version, we can start recording! I can't stress enough how much further ahead this puts us! Now we're in a super comfy position (additional giggity) to start scripting MHAA 4, and then SAOA 18, and so on! We're so close to the end of the season, you guys! We're so close! So close! IT'S COMING!!!

Just like our penis~

But you know what else is coming? Our penis! Again! We have a lot of stamina. But also the Bloopies! We got so many funny bitches in there that it was impossible to narrow it down to their best shenanigans. It's over 9 minutes long (Giggity. We're weak. Don't judge us.). We usually aim for like 5-8 minutes, but it just couldn't be done! Stupid talented friends having fun reading our silly silly words. Those SEXY bitches. But yeah. They should be finished and up on Patreon soon.

Oh... but lest we forget another sexy bitch that has entered our lives and now lives in our sex basement I mean basement. Our regular... non-cum-stained basement...

WE GOT A VOCAL BOOTH! She's so beautiful, and by far the warmest thing we've ever been inside. Like, seriously. Hydration breaks are required. It's like a sauna in there.

As most of you know, we've been using the Project Mouthwash booth for a few years now. But Logan's a very busy boi, and whenever we needed to record in there, it meant putting his work on hold. So, to avoid that, we've done THIS *gestures at pictures which hopefully attached correctly*! It also means that it's now SUPER easy for us to get in there to record everything we need, whether's it's a 3-hour Kirito session or a 2-minute redo of a single line! We're very excited!

Just like we hope you're very excited for what's to come. You. You're gonna cum. We're gonna make you cum. With our hands and mouth and penis. Our penis. Our collective penis. We share a penis here at Something Witty. We are a hivemind. A hivepeen, if you will. But don't worry. It's HUGE! Like, it's nuts. We also got big ol' nuts. Everyone's favourite part of the groinal area. Excluding the fan-favourite taint, or course. 

Anyway, we hope this was a romantic enough Valentine's Day post for ya. Be sure to consensually smooch all the peeps you wanna give smooches to. Friends, partners, family, pets, that rock in your backyard that kinda looks like boobs. Show 'em all that love on Love Day. 'Specially the boob rock. It deserves it.

Stroking you fondly,
Something Witty




Perfectly consensual My eyes are so happy to have read that Can't you tell by the tears?

Josh Spicer

https://i.imgur.com/u19li0H.png Cat


That was the most enjoyable reading experience I've had in months, thank you for that absolute gem


Looking forward to everything you've got. *wink*


Only if you butter me up first... no seriously I want you to butter me like a kfc biscuit.

Embeth Arreyn

This post is more action than I've gotten in a long while, and I loved every second of it. Of the update, I mean. What did you think I meant? Don't make eye contact, don't make it weird :p