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-MHAA 3 Recording: 80%
-MHAA 3 Editing: 20%
-SAOA 16 Visuals: 75%
-SAOA 16 Music/SFX: 65%
-SAOA 17 Scripting: 70%


Greetings, skin bois!

It seems we once again find ourselves in the month of SPOOPS! *spoopy ghost noises*

Come! Enter our terrifying chateau, built on the ancient ruins of something called "Robin's Donuts"! No one knows where Robin and their alleged nuts of dough went. Or what they were made of! Like, were the donuts MADE of Robin? Like a guy named Robin? Or did he just MAKE the donuts? Probably out of actual, mashed-up robin corpses smooshed into some kind of macabre facsimile of a cherished baked good! Yeah, that seems the most likely. Goddamn, Robin. You nasty.

Anyway, let us give you the grand tour! This exquisite manor comes equipped with 87 bedrooms, a fully stocked kitchen, 12 solariums, 3 varieties of fainting rooms, and 0 bathrooms. We like to keep ourselves grounded so that we do not lose touch with the common man. So just like them, we also shit in a hole in the backyard. We're gonna be honest with you. Our serfs are running out of places to dig the holes. We'll have to ask them how they solve this little conundrum. You... you don't suppose they're EATING it, do you? I mean, WE'RE certainly not feeding them. They better not be eating OUR poop! That's RICH PEOPLE poop! They wouldn't even have the refined palate required to appreciate it! Disgusting shit-eating serfs. This is why we don't feed you.

Oh! We forgot about our favourite room in our abode! The dungeon! That's where Izzy and Carrie live now, toiling away on SAOA and MHAA, which are going pretty well! Carrie's sent some scenes off to the Spence boi for lip-flaps, and has gotten some custom flaps back from the talented KaDoYu, while Izzy has been working through some VERY FINICKY FIGHT SCENE FOOTAGE! GOD! EVERY SHOT NEEDS SO MANY EFFECTS JUST TO LOOK PASSABLE! We've also had many talented bois exhaust themselves recording lines for us, after which they were swept away to our fainting rooms, lightly misted with lemon water, and had our lazy-ass kitchen serfs gently hand-feed them each a whole roast chicken. You really gotta keep an eye on those serfs. Make sure they don't pick off any morsels for themselves. They might get a taste for people food, and we can't have that!

Ug, we're just so exhausted from showing you around our enormous spoopy mansion! What's that? Not spoopy enough for you? Well, we're also gonna be playing some SPINE-TINGLING games on our non-SWE&D Friday streams, and watching BONE-CHILLING movies on our Discord Hang! So there! Get spooped on! Be terrified!

Love and BOO! Ha. You jumped. We saw it. Gottem.
Something Witty



So at this rate we're not gonna get Episode 16 until February. It's been over a year since the last one. What is the hold up?


Covid... the new "the dog ate my homework"




Hey, thanks for the updates! Hope you have a suitably spooky death season!


Pracurate , sounds legit, noice :) ,


Ahh hopefully all goes well. I will wait forever for ep16 if i have too! *flops*