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How's goes it, guys?

Izzy here with another weekly update!

It's been another typical but very productive week around here. Editing on SAOA and MHAA has been continuing at a great pace, and we're really happy with how things are looking so far.

There are a handful of highlights, though.

A few minutes ago, we finished up the last game of SummonerBlue's mini horror RPG. It should be uploaded to his channel soon, so check it out to find out who the killer really was. Turns out I was... pretty off-base with my guess.

Nah, fuck it! I still say Buddy must have been pulling the strings!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/SummonerBlue/featured

Lastly, I recently got the first piece of character art for Soupcan Academy back from the artist and I'm super jazzed about how it turned out! Take a look!

It's for Coffinjockey's character, Ernis Zarloc! The character portrait was done by the super talented TabiKato, while I did the "Soupcan File" stuff in the background. I'm really excited to see what she does with the rest of the party, so give her a follow on Twitter @TabiKato!

Also, yes. He does have a freakishly long "Welcome to the Ballroom"-style neck. I asked Coffin about it, and the symbolism behind it is frankly staggering. :D

Anyway, that's about all for this week. Catch you guys later!




Really cool stuff!


So Eris is Suneater