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What it dooooooo, fellows!!!!!!!

Pretty typical week, but a productive one none the less.

We began the arduous task of soundproofing the editing/streaming area so our streams sound less like hot butts. So far we have a good chunk of the basement covered in foam. The bumpy kind, not the bubbly kind. But now I shall be calling a meeting about why it's not the bubbly kind, cause that sounds wonderful.

We also had a very long recording session with one of our main characters for My Hero. Things are falling nicely into place. Mwhahahahaha!!!!!

Should be wrapping up auditions for the new Sword Art episode. Our final audition should be taking place tomorry. Provided there are no more hurricanes. Looking at you, Mother Nature. Don't fuck us on this one.

Lastly, if anyone is interested, Izzy found an artist to commission some Soupcan Academy art. He's just working out some details and we'll hopefully be seeing those soon.

Hope everyone has an awesome week and we'll be seeing ya'll in our steams.

Hugs and kisses and tasteful groping.

Love Carrie.



Mother Nature, you're a terrible mother.


didnt even need to read who posted it read sounds like hot butts and knew yep Carrie wrote this


Good luck!

Splice Knight

You might want to keep an eye on the weather. There's another cat 5 going through the carib again