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UPDATE: You can check out our first session of Soupcan Academy on our new YouTube channel, found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHuGNYsz3Ds

Hey everybody!

We've had a very productive week at SWE. Everyone is settling in nicely at The Compound, and with our editing area set up, Carrie has made some great progress editing My Hero Academia Abridged! As for Sword Art, we've begun auditioning actresses for Suguha, and we're super excited to see what they bring to the part.

Finally, on the Friday Twitch stream, we unveiled the first session of our new RPG set in the  My Hero Academia universe: Soupcan Academy! It was my first time GMing anything, and it seemed like everyone had a lot of fun! I had a lot of fun making it as well, and I'm hoping to turn it into regular thing. Maybe like once a month. Also, if any of you guys can draw in the MHA art style (or know someone who can), we'd love to commission them to draw some characters for us!

That's all for this week! Talk to you guys next time!




Very cool!


Awesome, can't wait for both


I know you don't normally, but are there any plans to upload the dnd stream to YouTube?


We're actually planning on setting up a separate YouTube channel to archive our gaming content. It should be uploaded by the end of the day. :)