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Hey everybody,

Izzy here. We've been making a ton of progress on both of our shows this week! 

Our casting for MHAA is finished (except for one extremely important character that we're kind of agonizing over), and we've already been able to get about six characters recorded already.

As for SAOA, we've had some bursts of inspiration this week regarding the main story arc of Alfheim that we're super excited about. I don't want to spoil anything, but I think we're gonna be able to inject some real pathos into this story of cousin fucking.

It's been an extremely busy week for us, but we're very happy with the progress we're making on both shows. That's about all for this week, but thanks for sticking with us and we'll see you guys again soon!

We love you guys!



Nothing more exciting than injecting some pathos into a story of cousin fucking.


Say no more, I understand. You santm me to play every female character. It'll put a strain on my voice but hey, if you're begging then how could I refuse


Good luck XD


Keep up the good work guys! You're all awesome!


Woot woot. I kinda suspect the situation with the cousin fucking will be 'He was an asshole before and now he's not and that's weird, why is he suddenly sexy?'

kyle meyer

On that note of cousin fucking, who do you ship Kirito the most with? Asuna, Sinon, or Sugo?