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Hey guys, Dizzasta here with a short update on our progress. 

We've completed our list of voice actors we want to audition for My Hero Academia Abridged, so we'll begin auditions this week. Other than that, we've mostly been touching up the first draft of the script, making sure punchlines hit and cleaning out excess/unnecessary dialogue. 

Also on a personal note, Canada welcomes its favorite scotswoman, xbubblemunkyx, as its newest resident. We're really excited to see her settling in well and we're definitely excited for the team to be able to interact on a more personal level! 

That's all for this week. Beginning SAO Abridged Season 2 scripting next week. Tune in July 9th for our next update!



Is this a private audition or can anyone be try out




Ditto, I doubt I'd get the part, but it would be fun to try.


Sorry for the confusion, but yes, we're just doing private auditions with actors we've either worked with before or have at least worked with people we trust to vouch for them.