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-MHAA 4: DONE! (and in copywrite jail... it'll be on Patreon shortly)
-MHAA 4 Bloopies: DONE! (will be on Patreon shortly)
-MHAA 5 Scripting: 80%
-SAOA 18 Editing: 50%
-SAOA 18 Preview: DONE! (will be on Patreon shortly)
-Anime Fest was fun! We wanna do more cons!


Once upon a time, in the exotic land of Canada, there lived a gaggle of YouTubers known as Something Witty Entertainment. Though their numbers were small, their influence eventually grew so vast that they also absorbed a Scotswoman and two hapless Americans into their many voluminous folds.

Many, many, many years passed as they brought "joy", "laughter", and just the horniest filth you've ever heard come out of a human throat to the internet. Beyond all reason, their success even became such that they were summoned to the magical land of Texas to share their secret art of swords, and the academia of heroes. Also fruit. Little did they know that this land contained a great evil: Humiditus, the Sweat Bringer. The moist lord used it's great and terrible power to make it just... hot as balls. It was bad, y'all. And, like, unrelated to Humiditus, the Sweat Bringer, but you can't fuckin' walk anywhere! Have they never heard of sidewalks?! GAWD!!!

Fortunately for our "brave" "heroes", the good people of Texas (BTW, it's not super clear in text form, but we're definitely putting a throaty "h" on the "x" part) had anticipated this threat, as it's tyranny was well-known and ever-present. Thus, they wisely enlisted the services of the great wizard, Archimedes Cornswoggle (AC for short), to create a defensive barrier around the convention center, keeping the swampy beast at bay.

With Humiditus defanged, the gang was able to fully enjoy the company of their supporters, and imparted their "wisdom" with much aplomb until the day they made their journey home, with a smile on their faces and barbeque in their tummies. But alas, there did remain one long-held dream that they tragically found themselves unable to fulfill: getting day drunk by the pool.

What we're saying is that Anime Fest was hot as hell, but it was rad as fuck. It's been years since we've been able to see you guys at a con and show off what we've been working on, and it means so much to see your smiling faces when we make jokes about the sexual mechanics of felines. You guys really remind us that people actually care about what we make, and that's honestly really rejuvenating. We preesh y'all so much!

Now that we're home, we're doing our best to hit the ground running and get things out to you guys as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, that ground also happened to be covered in Con Flu, so it did take us a minute to un-fuck ourselves. But we're all better now and ready to rumble! We're gonna be uploading a few things to the Patreon today, including MHAA 4, the MHAA 4 Bloopies, and the SAOA 18 preview! We're still plugging away at editing SAOA 18 and writing MHAA 5, but it feels like some great progress is being made.

AND LO! Our champions did set about their usual fuckin' days, toiling away in the comedy mines, hoping to one day find a rich, throbbing vein of dick jokes to unleash upon the world. The "Motherload", if you will. With any luck, they'll find that load, and they shall be permitted to re-enter society to spray it into your eager, open mouths once more.

With love and semen,
Something Witty



I can't wait for the sequal where they get drunk by a pool, love the campaign

Lexi (Gay)


Kartik Saraf

You guys are getting more unhinged with each update. I can’t tell whether to be impressed or concerned.


So, out of curiosity, what does 'shortly' mean in re the SAOA 18 preview? I'm kinda going through withdrawal over here xD


I read that last paragraph in Kirito's Voice.