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-MHAA 4 Editing: 75%
-MHAA 5 Scripting: 15%
-SAOA 18+19+20 Recording: Kirito 100% recorded
-SAOA 18 Editing: 25%


Howdy there, cowpokers!

Sure is a nice High Noon-Thirty we got here. Hope y'all are having a dandy time raisin' and ropin' them there cacti. Slippery lil devils. Known for their wiles. But we'll get 'em... one day. I hear they make excellent hug pillows and their juice is the sweetest nectar this side of Staten Island.


That don't sound right... we maybe had a lil too much cactus juice. Oh boy, looks like we're in a stickier situation than them Duke boys when they got stuck in that there briar patch. Took 'em months to get out. 3 brother went in... but only 2 came out. They don't talk about Cletus Duke much no more... I tell you what, last time someone brought him up I swear I saw one of 'em lick their fingers...

They ate Cletus is what I'm sayin'.

But enough about backwoods familial cannibalism! We gots abridged series to talk about!!!

That there lil rooting-tooting filly, Carrie, is working her lil be-hind off to get MHAA 4 out the gate. All them fancy moving picture parts is done, so we gotsta wait on that fuck-nasty varmint, Logan, to git the bangs and zooms put in before sending it down the Mississippi back to Carrie so she can gitter set up with them pretty saloon tunes.

The MHAA 5 script is getting fattened up real nice with them pretty words. She's looking finer than fish on a Tuesday! I'm fixing to take her home to meet my mama and my old hound dog, Rusty Jim. He don't see so good no more, but he got him a sniffer like the scrungliest racoon, I tell you what!

I reckon y'all wanna hear about that SAOA. Well, she's starting to look prettier than the peach God gave a goose. That lil rascal Kirito been runnin' his big bazoo and got himself recorded all throughout Alfheim! Deputy Waddie Matty (Previously Izzy) is working his lil be-hind to the bone making sure SAOA 18 is all in apple pie order to get a preview shown at Anime Fest!

Oh, tarnation! I almost plumb forgot! Them Switty bois are fixin' to be guests at Anime Fest! That's in Texas, thus making sense of this weird preponderance of southern aphorisms! Matty, Mack, Carrie, Chase and Spencer are all gon' be in Arlington Texas this July 25th - 28th. Come see 'em, attend some o' there many panels and signings and try to give a Matty a smooch! He'll fightcha, but it'll be worth it~


Welp, I better be hitting the old dusty Mississippi. I really should be making my way back to the hoosegow. That's right. I broke out just to write y'all this update.

They'll hang me for this one...

Bless yer heart,
Something Witty


daniel mariano

Can I give Spencer a smooch too?

Furry Combat Wombat

Will he have another SWEbathon for episode 18's release?