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Sorry for the delay but this week ha sbeen hectic @_@
Either way here is the poll for this month! And of course it will be sumo themed~

Bulat (Akame Ga Kill): After getting injured in battle he let his appetite grow spending most of his recovering time stuffing his face, now that he is able to fight again he finds himself fascinated by the new musclechub frame he got so he decides to make good use of it becomign a sumo wrestler

E. Honda (Street Fighter): Feeling proud of his power he taunts the enemy in the ring with smack on his belly making it look squishy and bouncy while flexing and looking as his muscles arm

Askr (Fire Emblem): The Askr Fitness Center is debuting a new sumo program with Askr himself being the first to get in shape. After some heavy feasting (And outgrowing his wardrobe), Askr and his newly grown belly are ready and eager to take on any opponent or meal he’s presented with, and he’s certainly eager for more meals.

Genjirou Tanigaki (Golden Kamuy): Growing more and more interesting in sumo wrestling he decides to join in a new dojo quickly catching up with the rest gaining a huge amount of weight in no time feeling proud of his new shape

Lanz (Xenoblade): After getting bored of regular training, Lanz decides to switch things up and become a sumo. Discovering that he loves to stuff himself, he eats until his clothes tear off from him and he’s left only being able to wear a mawashi, something that only delights him as he continues his training and eating

Inuyasha (Inuyasha): Inuyasha decided to become a sumo to finally defeat his brother in order to prove who of the two is the strongets one, he quickly stuffed himself in order to grow bigger and stronger until all he could wear left was his mawashi, now he is pretty happy and confident of his growth, ready to battle



Is this like an top three thing where whoever has the second and third most votes in addition to the first will also get an pic?


Yeah! The top three options with the most votes will get a drawing each c: