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Greetings, Patrons!

I'm at PAX West in Seattle. If you’re here, drop by the Twogether booth in the tabletop area and say hi! I’m over COVID and finally catching up from the chaos of the last few months. It’s still going to take a while until I’m back at full speed, but I’m planning on having another exclusive preview from Frontiers of Eberron for you soon, as well as another AMA and the next session of the Quickstone campaign. In the meantime, let’s get some more questions!

As always, I will not be able to answer every question; simple questions are the best questions. If I can answer a question in five minutes here, I'll probably answer it. If it would take significant research or an hour of work to answer a question, I probably can't. Feel free to ask questions that didn't get answered in a previous month, just know that I won't be able to get to them all... and if there's a question I've skipped over a few times it means that I need focus to answer it and I haven't had that focus. In addition, I will only answer one question per patron. You can ASK more than one, because one may be easier for me to answer than another, but I'll only answer one.

Thanks again for your patience and support throughout this difficult time. Hopefully that light at the end of the tunnel isn’t an oncoming lightning rail!




Does the ambient magic from the Ring of Siberys permeate on all planes? Or do Siberys Theiry users need to switch to Externalist when on other Planes?


Hello, I know that magic is an important part of elvish culture, but the Tairnadal and in particular the Valenar warbands give the image of very straightforward wandering warriors, I'm wondering how much of their day-to-day is impacted by magic/magical items ? (Do they uses regular tents, magical ones or, I don't know, a variant of Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, this sort of things...) Oh also (I know that I should ask only one question but it's kind of an extension of the previous one) Do any of the Valenars uses any sort of flying mounts ?


Bigby’s introduced this little tidbit for Eberron lore and I’m curious what you’re thoughts are on it. "Other giants left Xen'drik and now live alongside smaller peoples. Giants have been known to study in the universities of the Five Nations, to lead bands of marauders in Droaam, and to trade with dwarf miners far beneath the surface of the Mror Holds." It makes sense to me that the Dragons tried to stop any exodus of giants to other continents early on. Do you think this is a recent development? Where would you place this timeline wise? I do know there’s a fire giant war leader in Drooam.


What did goblin civilization look like when Karrn and other human forces pushed them to the edges of Khorvaire? Were there post-empire kingdoms or city states, or had they collapsed into even smaller groups?


They seem like a Sarlonan thing, but I'd like to know where you'd put Lung Dragons, from Kara-tur. Psionics make me think Sarlona, but idk if they really fit with dragons at all. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Lung_dragon


When humanity arrived, the monolithic structure of the Empire had completely collapsed. Beyond cutting the goblins off from the Uul Dhakaan, the legacy of the daelkyr encouraged the birth of new beliefs and wild passions. While the impact of this faded over time—allowing cultures like the Ghaal'dar to spread across a wider area—initially, the empire was torn into smaller and smaller pieces. consider the differences between the modern Ghaal'dar and the Marguul, who are basically neighbors; the cultural differences between goblins in other regions were even more dramatic. Again, this is where you had goblins devoted to the Overthrown and other religious zealots. Many of these goblin cultures had an instinctive trepidation about the ruins of the Empire, and consciously chose NOT to build on the Dhakaani foundations -- Meaning that humanity had an immediate advantage because they were quite happy to seize and build in these ruins.


A pair of general questions on the Bolatashi; Do they require an input to produce creatures (magic, food?) and is there a limit on the size of the things they can produce, or is that dependent on their size?