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Hi everyone!

The next session of Frontiers will be Friday, June 16, 2 PM - 6 PM Pacific Time. For new patrons, the session isn't streamed live, but it will be released about a week after the session. Since that's less than a week away, I need all character submissions by 6 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 13th!

For new folks: the rules of Patreon won't just let me roll a die or pick a name out of a hat. I have to hold a contest to determine who will get the spots in this session. If you would like to play in this session, here's the rules:

  • Send an email to threshold.eberron@gmail.com
  • Include the name of the character you most want to play in the subject line. I'd like Rolan, Tari, and Ja'taarka to be in this session, but everyone is available.
  • In the body of the message, answer this question: What is something we don't know about this character? This could be something serious—a secret that could come back to haunt them, a friend they've lost—or it could be their favorite food or a song. With that said, if I choose it, it WILL become part of their story, so it should feel plausible.
  • To increase your chances of playing, you can submit answers for multiple characters. If you submit for Rolan, definitely put in a back-up choice. Just looking at the people who picked this time, I expect competition.
  • Your answer must be submitted by 6 PM Pacific time on Tuesday, June 13th.

For people who have never played or watched a session... That's OK! You don't need to know all the details! If you are chosen, I'll give you all the information you need to know. The Kanka site has information about the characters and a recap of the campaign so far, but if you don't have time to read, here's the critical information about the available player characters: 

  • Rolan Harn is a retired Sentinel Marshal trying to protect the town and his friends. He's a human battlemaster fighter with the Mark of Sentinel. He/Him. 
  • Tari is a kalashtar orphan who knows little about their past, but who has a connection to a force of light—which they are discovering is the Silver Flame. They have been taken in by Rolan and have a close bond with Ja'taarka. Tari is a kalashtar divine soul sorcerer tied to the Silver Flame. TheyThem.  
  • Ja'taarka is a worg from Droaam, a former member of the Great Pack and enforcer for the Daughters of Sora Kell. He became friends with Rolan during the Last War, and left Droaam to protect Tari; he has remained with Rolan since then. Worg gloom stalker ranger, he/him. 
  • Bel is the town blacksmith, recently married to the tinker Jury d'Cannith (both pictured above, by Julio Azevedo). She's cheerful and likes hitting things with her hammer. Shifter beast barbarian, she/her.
  • Three Widow Jane is a former smuggler and dashing wandslinger, who's always up for adventure. Khoravar genie warlock, she/her. 
  • Sheriff Constable is the sheriff, a warforged juggernaut who served the Count in the Last War and now serves him by defending the town. Warforged living weapon monk, he/him. 
  • "Ink" Narathun is an arcane researcher who serves as the town schoolteacher while pursuing his interests in history and archaeology. Ruinbound dwarf alchemist artificer. He/him. Best friends with...
  • Deven Sar'kaas, the town tailor. He's definitely NOT a spy for the Shaarat'khesh. Nope. Just a simple tailor. Goblin mastermind rogue, he/him.
  • Kala Sar'kaas is Deven's oldest daughter, who gained mystical powers by trading her brother to an archfey... but she got him back eventually. Goblin eloquence bard, she/her.
  • Briar is a Greensinger, a storyteller serves as an intermediary between the townsfolk and the fey. Changeling dreams druid, they/them
  • Sora d'Sivis is the town Stonespeaker, maintaining the message station. She's also an aspiring novelist and everyone's favorite grandmother. She OUGHT to be in Brindlewood Bay. Gnome scribe wizard with the Mark of Scribing. She/her.
  • Vael is a mystery—A Tairnadal warrior who never removes their mask. They do their best to protect the common people, and have a reputation as a folk hero. Elf Glory paladin, they/them. 
  • Sarvus'kor is a Droaamite kobold and priest of the Fury. She is a the spiritual leader of the local kobold population and does what the Fury bids. Kobold Mind cleric, she/her.
  • Essra is the most recent addition to the cast, and as yet not much is known about her. She is a medusa spirits bard, and serves as an Eye of the hag Sora Teraza. She has a connection to Ja'taarka. 

Again, you CAN find more details about all of these characters. But you don't have to know everything! Essra just showed up last session and no one knows much about her. Sheriff Constable is a simple, decent fellow who likes hitting things with his steel fists. If that sounds like fun, throw your hat into the ring! You can also ask questions about the process or any of the characters here! 

Thanks for your support!!!



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